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Understanding Turkey’s Leadership in Hair Transplantation from Sule Hair Transplant Clinic’s Perspective

In Europe, where hair loss is a major concern, Turkey has emerged as a preferred destination for hair transplant procedures. Şule Ölmez, the founder of Sule Hair Transplant Clinic in Istanbul, shares her insights into Turkey’s success in this medical field, based on her broad experience with an international patient demographic.

The widespread issue of hair loss in Europe is leading many to consider hair transplantation. Turkish clinics, known for accommodating health tourists from all over the world, are increasingly becoming a primary choice for Europeans. Şule Ölmez, a prominent entrepreneur in this sector and head of her Istanbul clinic, mentioned, “We offer hair transplantation and dental treatment services to thousands of patients from all over the world, especially those coming from the European countries.”

The Growing Hair Loss Problem in Europe

Studies highlight a notable hair loss problem in Europe, with eight of the ten most impacted countries being European. The Czech Republic, Spain, Germany, France, and the UK top this list. Many who seek a definitive solution find Turkey appealing, known for its affordable and high-calibre services.

Şule Ölmez on Turkey’s Role in Hair Transplantation

“Turkey has become a hub for hair transplantation with its superior success rates and quality services worldwide. We also contribute to this success with our high standard services that prioritise patient satisfaction.”

99% Patient Satisfaction Achieved

“Our clinic has achieved a 99% satisfaction rate in hair transplantation, a testament to our personalised treatment approaches and high-quality care. We treat our patients as family members, enabling us to create custom treatment plans that meet their individual needs and desires.”

The Clinic’s Commitment to Quality

Şule Ölmez highlights her focus on providing quality service, “Although we perform fewer operations, we prefer to provide a higher standard of service in each procedure. We accompany our patients throughout the operation and during their recovery, ensuring their ongoing comfort and safety.”

Hair Transplantation and Tourism in Turkey

Şule Ölmez illustrates the added benefit of combining medical procedures with tourism for overseas patients. “Patients who come to Turkey need to stay for 4 days to complete various procedures. Since hair transplantation process has already been completed in this process, they could use their remaining time by visiting Istanbul. So much so that this opportunity increases the attractiveness of our clinic for European citizens who visit Istanbul the most. We make the most suitable plan for our patients according to the hair transplant package they choose. For instance, in the all-inclusive hair transplant package, we arrange the airport transfer and accommodation. In order for each of our patients to leave Turkey satisfied, we accompany them from the first meeting to the completion of the recovery process. In this way, we make hair transplantation process a pleasant trip while ensuring that they return to their country happily.”

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