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Exodus Begins as Top OnlyFans Creators Seek Refuge on New Platform Amid Complaints of Bullying and Content Removal

A growing number of OnlyFans creators are expressing their frustration online, claiming that their content is being regularly deleted without violating any terms of service. This situation has led to speculation about a potential mass exodus from the platform.

Several prominent creators, including Rowan Odubhain and Aaliyah Yasin, who boast tens of thousands of followers, have taken to Twitter to voice their outrage at having their posts removed from the adult site. Displeased with the treatment they have received, these creators are shifting their business to a rapidly expanding platform called

Expressing her frustration, Aaliyah Yasin tweeted, “I love when OnlyFans removes a video, claiming it breaks their terms of service when it doesn’t. I personally reviewed the video, and it clearly does not violate any terms or community guidelines. When asked to address the issue, their response is a generic message stating, ‘Our Compliance team has carefully reviewed your content and concluded that it violates our Terms of Use in a certain way. Thanks.'”

Another creator named Rae, who garnered 10,000 views for her tweet, requested additional context from OnlyFans, saying, “Can you please make it possible for us to read the full message we sent or provide us with further information? If I am not discussing anything that violates the terms of service and I am not attempting to circumvent flagged words, then I would appreciate more information…”

“Bungabooty,” yet another creator, expressed disappointment as her squirt videos were being removed from OnlyFans, despite being her best-selling content.

Meanwhile, Aaliyah Yasin directly reached out to OnlyFans CEO Amrapali Gan in an attempt to establish a personal connection, expressing concerns about discrimination. In her tweet, she stated, “As the CEO of OnlyFans, who is Indian American, I want to bring to your attention that I feel discriminated against by your moderation team as a Pakistani Muslim creator. Content like mine is suddenly being massively removed from my account for ‘violating community guidelines’ as per messages from your moderation team. I feel bullied and discriminated against. Your support team is not helpful. #onlyfansdiscriminates.”

In response to the backlash from creators, some are seeking a more permanent solution by migrating to alternative platforms. Arian Demnika, the founder of Okfans, has witnessed a significant surge in sign-ups over the past year. He assures users that the site will never ban sexual content.

Okfans, similar to other content subscription services, specifically caters to adult content creators and consumers. Demnika explained, “Okfans was developed in response to other subscription services like OnlyFans, which have implemented bans on sexually explicit content. Creators can freely share their work with fans on our platform without concerns about post removal or account bans.”

Since its launch, Okfans has been attracting approximately 1,000 new applicants daily. Prominent creators are now earning monthly revenues ranging from £8,000 to £40,000 ($10,000-$50,000 USD). Demnika is currently focused on providing new tools for Okfans creators to engage with their fans.

While Okfans gains momentum, Demnika acknowledges the potential consequences of OnlyFans’ restrictions on creators’ livelihoods. He emphasized that the ban on sexually explicit content could result in revenue loss and the need for alternative monetization platforms. Moreover, consumers may face a reduced availability and diversity of adult content, as OnlyFans is one of the most widely used platforms in the industry.

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