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Trending Ideas for Woodworking and Custom Kitchen Cabinets

Are you struggling to find some really good kitchen cabinet designs? Are you looking for cabinet features that instantly increase functionality? You have landed on the right page.

Whether it’s a big or small kitchen, storage is something we all struggle with. If you are like most homeowners, you want to make the most of your kitchen space. Turn to your kitchen cabinets! They could be your best friends or worst enemies. That’s because poorly designed kitchen cabinets take a lot of space on the kitchen walls but provide little functionality. 

Either you are a serious home chef or only use your kitchen to cook noodles, you do need a functional yet aesthetically appealing space. When you build or renovate a kitchen, there are several options out there for kitchen cabinetry. You can purchase ready to assemble versions or get custom cabinets and woodworking in your town/city. The latter is definitely more expensive but you get the freedom to maximize the space and functionality. 

Here are 6 custom cabinet features you are going to love.

Cabinets With Deep Drawers

Drawers have almost always been a part of kitchen design. But homeowners are looking at this simple old-fashioned storage drawer in a whole new way.  The traditional lower cabinets had doors with drawers only sized for cutlery were placed above them. Deep drawers can fulfill the purpose of storage without you needing to squat down every time you need something.

Trash Pull Out Bins

Taking up the floor space for bins is not so ideal especially when you are concerned about the aesthetic appeals as well. Pull-out bins can be extremely efficient as you are keeping them away from sight but not so far away that it is difficult to reach them. If you are planning to age in the same house, trash pull-out bins are your best bet. 

Pull Out Cabinet Step Stool

This one is a cool addition you will definitely love. More often than not, the top cabinets are only usable for the lower 5-6 inches. Behind and above that, there is a lot of no man’s space. If you haven’t got the money to renovate the entire cabinetry, all you need is a pull-out step stool. It takes only a few inches from your lower cabinet space and is easily adjustable. And you can unlock the additional space. Hire the best home remodelers in your town to give life to this incredible idea.

Narrow Side Space Storage Cabinet

Pull-out spice storage cabinets are very common and efficient. If you are remodeling a small kitchen, install a narrow side storage cabinet. It is compact easy storage for those who love to keep their kitchen organized.

Hinged Corner Turnout Cabinets or Shelves

Corners can be pretty confusing. If the corner wall of your kitchen does not provide good access for a rotating shelf, you can repurpose it with hinged turnout cabinets. Or these incredible hinged shelves can maximize the functionality of cabinet space. This idea works well for upper and lower kitchen cabinets.

Light Up The Cabinets

While you are maximizing natural light in your cooking space, you can make the cabinetry even more impressive with artificial lights. Light up the space to make it more useful.  

When it comes to your unique needs and sense of style, Citylocal101’s custom home builders can help you in several other ways. They can help you with designs that complement your requirements and curb appeal reasons at the same time. Get in touch with the best of their fields to build a dream home you can cherish for years to come.

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