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Customised ties – the smart alternative

The tie is the traditional centrepiece of a formal outfit and is the focal point responsible for bringing a look together. There are many designs, styles and materials to choose from, with just as many brands from which to purchase a tie. But it can be difficult to find exactly what you are looking for. You want to find a tie that communicates a message and that makes a statement – a tie that tells a story. A tie is more than just a piece of clothing – it is an identity.

The advantages of a customised tie

A tie is the perfect garment to promote an identity. A tie effectively communicates a brand and allows for easy identification and recognition. That is why the tie is the clothing of choice that companies, hobby groups and clubs turn to when looking for customised and personalised attire. A customised tie is a far cheaper alternative when compared to the cost of personalised shirts, jackets, polo shirts and trousers. Ties are also a hassle-free customisable option because one size fits all. Meaning there is no requirement for the time-costly and frustrating task of gathering multiple sizes and measurements. More importantly, the humble necktie can be matched and paired with most staple wardrobe garments.

Designing your tie

Designing customised ties has never been easier. Most tie manufacturers offer a design studio or personalisation tool to help you visualise and focus in on your required design. On some platforms it is also possible to secure the assistance of a design team who can provide ideas and visuals to your design brief. As part of the design brief, it is possible to sample and assess the different materials and colour swatches that you may choose to select. Before committing to a bulk purchase, a dependable tie manufacturer will provide a sample for evaluation, allowing for feedback that can lead to adjustments to the design.


When designing a tie there exists the option to choose the weave, material and colour that your design will be crafted from. The weave options range from the more traditional reppe weave to the modern and contemporary herringbone weave. The reppe weave provides a uniform cloth in which to apply your design. The herringbone weave, however, is V-shaped – ideal for diagonal striped designs, but also well suited to a single colour design, highlighting tonal differences across the direction of the weave.

A bespoke tie can be woven from various materials to suit any design brief and budget. A tie woven from polyester is the cheapest option when ordering a customised design in bulk, and offers the best value for money for a work organisation, social club or education establishment. However, if you are seeking a more luxurious finish, a tie can be cut from quality silk, producing a high-end product with a soft texture and brilliant sheen.

Selecting the right colour to match existing schemes can be a difficult affair, but when designing a customised tie this need not be a worry as it is possible to colour match the design to guarantee brand continuity.

Give it a go

If you have a requirement for customised ties there are design tools and support available online to help steer your design and project towards completion. All you need is an idea, and the rest will follow. Whether you are seeking a tie for an organisation or for an event, customised ties are a great medium to underscore and accentuate your brand. A custom and bespoke tie is an affordable uniform option for any organisation.

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