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Savvy Strategies for Packing on a Shoestring Budget at Festivals

With the festival season in full swing, individuals gearing up for a few days of music and sunshine can ensure they maximise their savings., experts in money-saving, offer advice and practical tips on how to pack for a festival without breaking the bank, enabling festival-goers to enjoy summer adventures in the great outdoors without depleting their finances.

Opting to bring their own food and drinks and avoiding overpriced stalls and vendors within the festival grounds are just some of the ways people can keep costs to a minimum.

The team of money-savers at NetVoucherCodes also emphasise the importance of campers organising themselves and ensuring they have all the essentials sorted before embarking on their journey.

Ellie Macsymons, an experienced festival-goer and savings expert at, reassures festival enthusiasts that “with a little forethought and some cost-effective packing strategies, you can have an incredible time without breaking the bank.”

Here are NetVoucherCodes‘ top tips on How to Pack for a Festival on a Budget:

  1. Bring Your Own Nourishment & Beverages

To minimise expenses, avoid pricey food stalls by bringing your own provisions. Non-perishable items and snacks are ideal, and if you pack a portable stove and basic utensils, you can enjoy freshly cooked meals every day. It’s also worth checking the festival regulations to see if you can bring your own alcohol. Stocking up on crates of your favorite beer or packing a few bottles of your preferred wine can significantly reduce costs.

  1. Strategise Meals & Snacks

If you plan to bring your own food, focus on small, lightweight items that won’t take up too much space. Remember to pack essential tools like bottle openers, tin openers, and cutlery. If you intend to cook, a cooler is essential to store perishable food. Canned beans and pasta are great options as they are easy to cook and budget-friendly! Make a comprehensive list of everything you’ll need before packing and distribute the items among your friends to reduce costs and the weight of your bag.

  1. Invest in a Reusable Water Bottle

Aside from alcoholic beverages, you may find yourself queuing and spending money on water throughout the weekend, especially during hot summer festivals. Stay hydrated and save money by bringing your own reusable water bottle that can be refilled at any time. All festivals have water stations with taps, so make the most of them!

  1. Get Organised

When heading to a festival, it’s not just about what you pack but also how you pack it. Invest in a spacious, practical camping bag or a sturdy trolley capable of carrying multiple crates and bulky camping equipment. The walk from security to the tent can be long and arduous, so a bag with wheels can save you from an achy back before the weekend even begins! Remember, the more efficiently you pack, the more you can fit in your bag, and the less you’ll spend on food, toiletries, and other essentials at the festival.

  1. Leave Expensive Attire Behind

While the weather forecast may promise endless sunshine during your summer festival extravaganza, the unpredictable Great British weather can quickly turn things around. After a few hours of rain, your campsite may transform into a muddy terrain, which spells trouble for expensive outfits. Avoid the risk of ruining or losing your favorite clothing items by packing affordable pieces that you can do without. Expensive designer garments are more prone to stains, losses, or theft, so it’s sensible to opt for low-cost items and save yourself some money in the long run.

  1. Carry Cash

In case of emergencies, card loss, or stalls that accept only cash for water or late-night snacks, it’s wise to have some cash on hand. Festival cash machines often impose additional charges and fees that can drain your bank account. To avoid these costs, bring an emergency cash fund and keep it readily accessible—it will save you money and hassle in the long run!

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