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Coup To The Drug Trafficking Organization That Introduced The Most Drugs In Jaén

The criminal group, based on the Costa del Sol, was “violent”, used “mafia methods” and specialized in national and international drug trafficking

The National Police and the Civil Guard have dismantled in Malaga and Jaén an especially violent organization dedicated to national and international drug trafficking The group was based in towns such as Marbella and Fuengirola on the Costa del Sol

And from there it distributed cocaine hashish and marijuana in different parts of the Spanish geography and to various countries on the European continent

The investigators believe that it practically had a monopoly on the sale of drugs in Jaén because it introduced most of the narcotic substance that was consumed in the province 25 people have been arrested from whom 225000 euros in cash and the freezing of more than one million euros have been seized

The police officers who have intervened in this operation called GilusuBones have highlighted the high degree of violence their great internal discipline and the mafia methods used by the criminal group

For this they have given as an example the use of firearms to extort the parents of a person who had contracted a debt of 66000 euros after losing two kilos of cocaine

In addition one of them ran over an agent of the Civil Guard in an attempt to escape which caused injuries of varying degrees and injured several members of the National Police during his subsequent arrest

The large amount of money they obtained from their activity was used to make investments fixed terms and other types of real estate acquisitions It is very important the location of personal property real estate and moneycrime of money laundering explains José Miguel Amaya provincial commissioner of the National Police in Jaén

The first steps of the operation date back to October 2019 Just a year ago the investigators learned that the criminal gang was distributing drugs in Spanish and European cities

Police work then began which was interfered with by the declaration of a state of alarm due to the health crisis The pandemic not only affected the security forces but also the criminal group itself which was unable to distribute illegal substances due to very limited movements

It seems that there was a drought during the state of alarm But these people had to nourish themselves with material because they were given two close sticks in a very important time explained this Friday Francisco José Lozano head of the Civil Guard Command in Jaén

Weapon seized by investigators in the GilusuBones operation against drug trafficking between Jaén and Malaga

Weapon seized by investigators in the GilusuBones operation against drug trafficking between Jaén and Malaga

The first was on May 20 in full phase 1 and with movements between provinces still prohibited the agents were waiting for the drug traffickers to pass on the A44 highway near Jaén

There they let the shuttle vehicle pass from which one of the drug traffickers watches the police presence to notify another car that is following him loaded with drugs to establish a control and intercept the SUV

In it four kilos of cocaine were found hidden in a double hydraulic bottom along with 13800 euros and the driver was arrested The drug came from Alhaurín de la Torre in Malaga where hours later three other people were arrested after a house search in which 153000 euros from the sale of the merchandise were intervened

That same day he foundanother kilo more of this substance in a flat in Benalmádena

The Civil Guard also kept under surveillance the person who was driving the shuttle vehicle who when he was stopped tried to flee by running over one of the agents with the clear intention of attempting against his life as explained by the Armed Institute

His injuries are added to those caused by the driver of the car to the agents who intervened in his arrest which occurred at the LinaresBaeza station after a chase and subsequent violent resistance Two weeks later on June 2 the researchers carried out the same procedure this time on the highway near Granada

There they arrested a person and intervened three kilos of cocaine from Malaga to Linares from where it was planned to be distributed to other small towns in the province of Jaén Days later two other members were arrested this time in La Junquera Girona with 25 kilograms of cocaine and on their way to Switzerland

The operation culminated on August 11 with the completion of 14 police searches in Malaga Marbella and Fuengirola in the Malaga province as well as in Linares Mengíbar La Carorlina Villagordo and Guadalén in Jaén where there were another twenty arrests Finally in addition to the cocaine already seized the agents seized another 82 kilograms of cocaine of high purity index 25 kilograms of hashish ten kilograms of marijuana 225000 euros in cash a pistol with ammunition and 14 vehicles

We can say without any mistake that it is one of the biggest blows inflicted on the illegal drug trade in our province stressed Catalina Madueño deputy government delegate in Jaén

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