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The need to know: 10 imperative questions to ask your builder pre-contract

Building your first home is a wonderfully exciting time. But it can also be a minefield to navigate if you don’t know the right questions to ask. To find the best firm in the business you need to ask the right questions, this way you can be sure that you’re enlisting a winning team as well as a crew that has your new home’s style and safety close at heart.

With this in mind, here are 10 questions to ask your builder before putting pen to paper:

  • Is your firm licensed?

It is fundamental that every builder and their company have a registered licence. If not, they are simply unregistered to do the job and the job is therefore illegal. If you find you are working with a shoddy, unlicensed builder down the track, the best building and construction lawyers Melbourne has will help you rectify the issue, but it’s best to avoid it in the first place!

  • Can we see examples of previous builds?

Any builder that is proud of their work will be happy to show you previous examples. This is not only a great way to gauge their standard but also to see if their style matches what you want for your home.

  • What brands do you use for new homes?

Because you don’t want to go with a company who takes your money only to pocket it all and buy shoddy materials for your home!

  • Can we decide on the home’s accentuations?

Sure, your builder will create an overriding construction, but they should also be happy to let you decide on some finishing touches. After all, it’s your home, and you should be able to add your own unique touches to it if you so desire…

  • Are you local builders?

Because any local builders will want the very best for their area as they are a part of the general community. It’s good for business to make their locale look good, too.

  • Is this a fixed-price contract?

It should always be a fixed-price contract as otherwise you might find yourself with a few cheeky requests for extra payments. Always choose a fixed-price agreement.

  • What is your level of insurance?

Check your state’s insurance standards and what level of cover the prospective firm has for their staff. They should be happy to show you their level of insurance as, if not, they might not actually be properly covered.

  • How busy are you at the moment?

You want a builder who has the time to discuss your build and anything that needs to be done to ensure it is built beautifully and on time. If the home builder is currently working on a range of other projects then this may mean that they are too busy to get started soon and get things done efficiently – beware of this situation!

  • Do you design a range of different styles?

Because you might not want to stick to a cookie-cutter home design style. What’s more, you might want the ability to pick and choose different design aspects and bring them together to make a unique style for your home.

  • Can you start soon?

Because this is such an exciting time that the last thing you will want is there to be a massive lull between signing the contract and actual work beginning. Hopefully, your prospective builder will be able to start the project soon, ensuring you don’t have to wait too long to see your beautiful new build come into incredible fruition!

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