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With This Whatsapp Trick You Can Keep Up-To-Date With Everything From Olympics App

Millions of people around the world are enjoying these last days on their televisions the Tokyo Olympics . However, the time difference between Japan and Spain forces many Spaniards to miss a large part of the competitions that are taking place.

This Toyota robot steals the basketball show at the Tokyo Olympics by shooting from midfield
For those who cannot follow them live, there is the option to find out about the news through WhatsApp by asking the official chatbot of the 2021 Olympic Games . With this tool, fans can ask through the instant messaging application how the different sports that are being shown at the event are doing or how they have done.

” We are delighted to connect people around the world to the Games and hope that fans will use our apps to follow and cheer on their favorite teams, athletes and moments this summer, ” the creators of the campaign said in a statement.

What does the Tokyo Olympics chatbot offer?
The chatbot is based on the WhatsApp Business API and can offer different information:

The Olympic calendar.
The explanation of how to tune in to the local broadcasts of the Olympic Games in the different countries.

The medal rankings.
It also offers the official stickers of the Tokyo Games and a questionnaire on the different Olympic sports. It also allows users to see all the posts that contain the hashtag #StrongerTogether about the 2021 Olympics.

How to use this function?
Users who want to find out about the news of the Olympic Games through WhatsApp only have to interact with the chatbot. In conversation, fans can turn to everything this tool has to offer.

The chatbot offers 7 options.The chatbot offers 7 options.20BITS
At first, the user has to write ‘Hello’ to the Olympic Games chatbot and it will offer 7 different actions. Each option has an assigned number. Therefore, the fan only has to write the figure equivalent to the information he wants to receive.

The feature is only available in English. However, being a very visual and intuitive tool , it is not a big problem.

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