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Instagram Has The Most Engagement, Twitter The Most Viral And Facebook With The Largest Community

IAB Spain, the association for advertising, marketing and digital communication in Spain, has presented the IX Edition of the Observatory of Brands in Social Networks.

This year the Observatory, which is held annually, has been developed in collaboration with Gestazión and Metricool. The Observatory collects the activity of 189 brands on social networks divided by sectors / categories.

The selection of brands and profiles is based on investment volume data and categorization of sectors provided by adjinn for brands with social profiles for the Spanish market with an analysis period that runs from July 1, 2020 to June 30 2021.

The social networks chosen to analyze each of the brands are Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn and Twitch. Facebook continues to be the social network with the largest accumulated community, with 75%. It is followed by Instagram with a community share of 12% and Twitter with 8% and YouTube with 5%.

Twitter is the social network that accumulates the highest share of publications, 79%. After her, there is Facebook with 11% that gains share compared to the previous year (9%). They are followed by Instagram with 7% and YouTube with 3%, shares that are maintained over time.

The average number of publications in Spain is 2,930 publications per year, while the average of accumulated interactions of all the networks reaches the figure of 1.2 million. Instagram remains the network with the highest share of interaction, 64%, although it falls slightly compared to last year (67%). It is followed by Facebook, with 21% of interactions. Twitter reaches 12% of interactions and YouTube 3%.

The engagement resulting from the analysis in this Observatory is 1.9%. In terms of engagement rates per social network, Instagram is the one with the highest share, 71% . The engagement share of Twitter stands out, reaching 18% and YouTube, which achieves 8%. For its part, Facebook reaches 3%.

This positions Twitter and Instagram as the queen networks in engagement. The virality registered is 74,520 (Facebook and Twitter are the networks analyzed because they count shared content), which shows a high predisposition to share content by users of social networks. Regarding the virality quotas, it is Twitter that takes 85%, which positions it as the most viral social network.

Regarding the efficiency of brands to achieve an increasing interaction ratio of their community and other users, in installments, Instagram is the network that achieves greater efficiency with 76% of the share, followed by Facebook (14%) YouTube (9%) and Twitter (1%).

Twitch and LinkedIn analyzed for the first time
Of the 189 brands that make up the Observatory, there are only 13 brands with a Twitch channel. In this sense, only 7 of the 19 sectors analyzed are represented on Twitch with a channel. It also stands out that 9 of those 13 brand channels are owned by the brand, that is, the remaining 4 are from partners or sponsorships. All this demonstrates the still low incursion by brands on the Twitch platform, which has doubled the hours seen for a year .

Regarding LinkedIn, of the brands that make up the Observatory, there are 105 that have a presence on LinkedIn. There are two sectors that choose not to have a presence on LinkedIn, since none of the companies analyzed has a profile, and they are Beauty and Hygiene and Fashion. Other sectors such as Portals, Professional Services or Food only have 1 or 2 brands with a presence on LinkedIn.

A nalysis by sector The Publishing sector registers a higher average of community, interactions, engagement, virality and efficiency. In terms of community, Consumer Electronics stands out following closely the Publishing sector and after it, the Food sector is positioned. Telecommunications appears this year especially outstanding for being the first category in terms of publications.

The Tourism sector is the second that publishes the most publications, followed by the Leisure and Entertainment sector. Another of the sectors that enjoys a good position is Distribution, it is the fourth most viral sector and in the rest of the analyzed areas it is above average. Beauty and Hygiene stands out this year, as it did the previous year, for its efficiency, becoming the third best sector.

The Industrial sector stands out for the high number of publications it makes and for being the sixth sector with the most engagement. Finance, Professional Services, Insurance, Web Portals, Home and Education are sectors that are generally below average in all areas.

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