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Marketing turns to SMS to establish links with its customers

Many are the pieces on which the mobile marketing strategy is based. In fact, you could almost say that every year, and with each evolution of consumer mobile connectivity, new opportunities and potential channels open up. Even so, the brightness of the novelties should not lead to losing sight of the potential of already classic elements in digital marketing.

This is the case with mobile messaging and SMS for companies, which should be basic in any marketing strategy. As Esendex experts in SMS solutions for companies recall , more and more companies are using mobile messaging tools, which makes them a powerful way to establish links with consumers. Thus, the number of people who currently use mobile messaging applications is expected to increase to 3,000 million in 2022 according to Statista statistics, a figure with great potential for companies’ positioning strategy in the market.

The companies already have it very present. According to the Mobile Messaging Usage Trends Report 2021 , prepared by Esendex in collaboration with PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PwC), it confirms that companies have broad confidence in mobile messaging. Spain leads the global ranking in the use of these channels, both among large companies (68%) and SMEs (49%).

A figure above the international average, which stands at 47%. When it comes to analyzing what mobile messaging is, you shouldn’t just stick with WhatsApp-style applications; Traditional text messages also enter this list.

The corporate SMS still has a long way to go and a high return on investment. The guidelines to take into account in the strategy Analyzing which trends in the use of mobile messaging are driving company decisions helps determine the best strategy to follow in their SMS campaigns for companies. In this sense, companies have especially relied on this channel for emergency communications and notices (used by 21% of those surveyed), Event-based Marketing (20%), Notifications and reminders to customers (19%), Business process management (19%) and Marketing campaigns (19%).

Among the possible mobile messaging formats, brands prefer SMS. The reasons are varied. They value the efficiency and effectiveness of this channel (25%), but also the ease of use and its customization capacity (22%), the cost (21%) and the reach (18%). Company SMS -like any other SMS- can be sent to any consumer, regardless of their mobile phone and even if they do not have an internet connection.

Simply by having coverage, users can receive SMS. In addition, age is not a problem since a very high percentage of users know how to use them and have the technological capacity to receive them. All these factors make this a very accessible channel and facilitate its delivery and reception. To this we must add that it is not yet a saturated channel. Consumers do not receive as many SMS from companies, which makes the ones they receive catch their attention. In fact, the commercial pressure in Spain is low, with shipping rates lower than those of other European countries.

According to data from Esendex, Spaniards receive an average of 9.5 SMS per month, compared to 26 in the United Kingdom, for example. Therefore, it is not surprising, returning to the data from the Esendex study, to discover that several sectors are increasing investment in marketing via mobile messaging and, especially, in sending SMS.

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