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Victims, Social Leaders, Journalists And Witnesses Can Request Protection Measures

What to do if they are threatening you through social networks? Victims, Social Leaders, Journalists And Witnesses Can Request Protection Measures. When a person is threatened by social networks, they can report these events to the Attorney General’s Office. This procedure can be done verbally or in writing, describing the situation clearly and briefly.

Once the affected person denounces, the accusing entity will initiate the pertinent investigations and will advance the criminal process to impose sanctions on the alleged perpetrators. If the person considers that her life is in imminent danger, as a consequence of his profession, because of his political thinking or his condition as a victim, he can request protection measures from the Prosecutor’s Office or the National Protection Unit.

To be part of this protection program, the victim must directly communicate the facts to the aforementioned entities, and wait for them to decide if they qualify with the requirements to be protected. If the risk rating is unfavorable, the person can file an appeal for reconsideration, within the following 10 days, before the Regional Risk Assessment Technical Group or the Human Rights Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior.

In Colombia there are three victim protection programs: Program for the Protection of Witnesses, Victims and participants in the criminal process of the Prosecutor’s Office. Victims and Witnesses Protection Program of the Justice and Peace Law of the Ministry of the Interior.

Program for the prevention and protection of the rights to life, liberty, integrity and security of individuals, groups and communities run by the National Protection Unit The stipulated prison sentence for this crime is one to four years in prison and a fine of up to one hundred legal monthly minimum wages in force. If the threat involves a public servant of the judicial branch or the Public Ministry, the penalty will be aggravated by one third.

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