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Vanar Collaborates with NVIDIA Inception Programme

Vanar Chain is delighted to announce its partnership with NVIDIA Inception, a programme designed to foster startups at the forefront of technological innovation across various industries.

Vanar represents a sustainable, high-performance, and inclusive Layer 1 (L1) blockchain ecosystem, pioneering advancements in the realms of entertainment and widespread blockchain integration. Leveraging NVIDIA’s state-of-the-art technologies, Vanar is set to deliver pioneering solutions to its burgeoning community of developers creating products on its platform.

Through its association with NVIDIA Inception, Vanar anticipates utilising the plethora of resources on offer, including advanced AI, graphics, and gaming tools, augmented by expert guidance. This initiative is aimed at devising exceptionally captivating, immersive, and innovative experiences for users and developers alike, spanning a myriad of platforms and devices. The programme further presents Vanar with avenues for collaboration with leading industry specialists and other AI-centric entities.

Jawad Ashraf, CEO of Vanar Chain, expressed his enthusiasm, stating, “We are thrilled to announce our acceptance into the prestigious NVIDIA Inception program. This marks a significant milestone in our journey to revolutionize the L1 blockchain landscape. Tapping on NVIDIA’s cutting-edge technology and unparalleled expertise in AI and deep learning will help support our vision to build a faster, more scalable platform that unlocks the full potential of decentralized applications for mainstream users.”

He further elaborated, “Through NVIDIA Inception, we gain access to invaluable resources, including industry-leading developer tools and a vibrant community of innovators. This milestone will empower us to accelerate the development of our next-generation applications and experiences and push the boundaries of what’s possible on the blockchain.”

NVIDIA Inception is instrumental in supporting startups through vital phases of product development, prototyping, and deployment, offering a bespoke suite of benefits tailored to each member. This includes credits for the NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute, preferential pricing on hardware and software, and technical support, equipping startups with the essential tools for growth.

For additional information about Vanar Chain, please visit

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