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Unlocking Untapped Potential: UK Companies’ Missed Opportunity

Discover the vast potential of the US government market, worth over $673 billion annually, and elevate your company’s sales without hefty marketing expenses!

Are you aware that businesses in the United Kingdom possess the same standing as their US counterparts when it comes to bidding on contract opportunities with the US Federal government? Surprisingly, out of the more than 777,000 companies registered in the System for Award Management ( to conduct business with the US Federal government, only 2041 are located in the UK as of March 2023. This indicates that numerous UK companies are neglecting the chance to compete for and secure lucrative US government contracts.

Both the US and the UK are parties to the WTO Government Procurement Agreement (GPA), which enables companies from member countries to compete on an equal footing in government procurement processes across nations.

In the previous year, the US Federal government awarded a staggering 11 million contracts for a wide range of goods and services. Beyond defense-related items, the US government procures almost every conceivable product and service utilized globally.

It’s important to note that foreign companies are not obligated to maintain a US office in order to bid on US government tenders. Additionally, winning US government contracts is not solely reserved for large corporations, as the majority of contracts are awarded to medium-sized and small businesses.

Facilitating US government contracting is the System for Award Management (SAM), which can be accessed at Establishing a SAM account is the initial step for companies desiring to bid on open tenders. Arnett & Lin Consultants ( are experts in SAM registration and can simplify the process for UK companies. Even US companies find it challenging and time-consuming to register without assistance.

Arnett & Lin Consultants offer SAM registration for £499. However, if you mention the discount code ALUK23, your company will only be charged £399. As an added bonus, companies availing of this service will receive a comprehensive 31-page guide that explains how to initiate bids on US government contracts following SAM registration completion.

If your company is interested in SAM registration, kindly send a message to Arnett & Lin Consultants at

Steven Arnett, a partner at Arnett & Lin Consultants, brings valuable expertise to the table, having previously served as the chief of the US National Codification Bureau and as the chief of codification for NATO.

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