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Freevacy Unveils BCS Professional Certifications in AI

Freevacy has expanded its range of professional development courses for the privacy industry by introducing two globally recognised workplace certifications from BCS, the chartered institute for IT. These certifications specifically address the ethical implications of artificial intelligence (AI).

As the world increasingly embraces digitalisation and the use of AI to gain a competitive edge, Freevacy has launched these courses to meet the evolving needs of commerce and industry.

AI offers significant benefits, particularly its ability to analyse data and make predictions. While this enhances decision-making and outcomes, it also presents challenges associated with privacy risks, algorithmic transparency, and potential biases. These challenges can lead to unintended consequences.

Joyce Allen, the founder of Freevacy, emphasises the importance of considering the ethical implications of actions in a rapidly advancing world that integrates cutting-edge technologies like AI. She stresses the need to be mindful of the societal impact of decisions and ensure that a company’s choices are always fair and just.

As the significance of maintaining compliant and ethical data practices continues to grow, the demand for skilled industry professionals who can navigate this complex landscape will also increase.

According to Joyce Allen, possessing expert-level knowledge of data protection laws used to be sufficient for industry professionals. However, the professional landscape has evolved, and now professionals are expected to provide guidance on a wide range of data-driven topics, enhancing their value to organizations.

She further explains that modern privacy practitioners are becoming data specialists with a comprehensive understanding of the data lifecycle within their organisations. This includes non-legal aspects related to the utilisation and protection of personal data.

This trend will gain momentum as the regulatory environment matures and businesses continue investing in digital transformation and AI technologies. To stay up to date, industry professionals must augment their existing legal data protection knowledge and expand their capabilities.

“We are excited to launch two new professional certifications from BCS that address the ethical considerations organisations must consider when implementing AI technology,” added Joyce Allen.

The BCS Essentials and Foundation Certificates in AI empower modern data protection practitioners, privacy engineers, and other professionals in the fields of ESG and IT with the knowledge and skills required to navigate complex ethical concerns associated with AI. These certifications ensure that organisations can leverage the power of this transformative technology while minimising the risk of harm.

BCS Essentials Certificate in Artificial Intelligence

The BCS Essentials Certificate in Artificial Intelligence provides a comprehensive understanding of the topic without resorting to overly technical jargon.

This course serves as an entry point for individuals who need to engage in informed discussions with specialist teams responsible for developing AI systems. For others, it can be the starting point for further learning and professional development.

The course is suitable for a non-technical audience, including those working within the privacy industry, where developing an understanding of AI is becoming an essential skill.

BCS Foundation Certificate in Artificial Intelligence

Building upon the knowledge acquired in the Essentials certificate, the BCS Foundation Certificate in Artificial Intelligence is intended for a more technically oriented audience.

As the adoption of AI expands across all sectors of the economy, the demand for certified professionals capable of addressing the ethical challenges posed by AI continues to rise. It is no longer sufficient to create AI systems that perform tasks efficiently; we must also ensure that they are built in a fair, safe, and beneficial manner for everyone involved.

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