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Shadow Robot unveils cutting-edge robotics consulting and advisory services

Today, the esteemed Shadow Robot Company, renowned for its groundbreaking Dextrous Hand series, announced the introduction of its Robotics Consultancy Service.

Based in London, the Shadow Robot Company, a leading robotics firm specializing in state-of-the-art anthropomorphic robot hands and systems, is launching its robotics consultancy service to facilitate innovation within companies by integrating robotic hand technology into their products and processes.

This consultancy service will empower companies with expert guidance and insights on leveraging robotic hand technology to enhance their overall performance, efficiency, and competitiveness. With its in-house engineering and production facilities and teams, the service will also provide tailored solutions and support to address specific challenges and requirements.

The comprehensive range of services encompasses:

  1. Technical expertise: Offering counsel on various aspects of robotic hand design, development, and implementation, including conducting feasibility studies, prototyping, testing, and validation.
  2. System integration: Seamlessly integrating robotic hands into existing systems through customized hardware and software solutions, coupled with comprehensive training and support.
  3. Application development: Enabling the creation of novel applications for robotic hands, either for new products and processes or for enhancing existing ones.

Rich Walker, the Director of the Shadow Robot Company, expressed his enthusiasm, stating, “We are thrilled to unveil our robotics consultancy service and extend our expertise and knowledge to other companies seeking to innovate with robotic hand technology. It is gratifying to witness the growing number of companies venturing into the development of their own robotic hands, and we aim to offer our expertise as leading developers in the field to the wider community. We firmly believe that robotic hand technologies hold immense potential to revolutionize numerous industries and sectors, and we are eager to assist our clients in achieving their goals and realizing their visions.”

With over two decades of experience in designing and advancing robotic systems for research and industry, the Shadow Robot Company has forged collaborations with esteemed clients, including NASA, ESA, OpenAI, Google Brain, MIT, University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, among others. The company has received multiple accolades for its remarkable contributions and excellence in the realm of robotics, including the Queen’s Award for Enterprise for Innovation in 2019, the AIconics Award for Best Innovation in AI Hardware in 2019, and the E&T Innovation Awards for Excellence in R&D, Intelligent Systems, and Tech for Good in 2020.

The robotics consultancy service is now available to companies worldwide.

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