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The Impact of Online Reputation on Career Prospects: Insights from Tony McChrystal

Tony McChrystal, Director of ReputationDefender EMEA, leads the Europe, Middle East, and Africa division of the globally renowned online reputation management company. In this article, we will delve into the topic of online reputation and explore how the content individuals publish online can significantly influence their career prospects.

Online reputation management, commonly known as ORM, empowers individuals and businesses to take charge of the online conversations surrounding them. An online reputation plays a crucial role in how individuals are perceived by others who search for them online. It is essential to proactively shape and counteract misleading information in order to create a favourable impression.

ORM encompasses two distinct cycles: a vicious cycle, where individuals neglect their online reputation and risk falling victim to rumours and misinformation, and a virtuous cycle, where they actively manage their online reputation by generating positive content.

Whether a recent graduate embarking on their career or a seasoned professional striving for advancement, a lack of positive search results on platforms like Google can significantly impact job opportunities. As individuals climb the corporate ladder, prospective employers increasingly scrutinise their online reputation portfolios. Recruiters now scour social media to evaluate potential candidates. Consequently, a dearth of information about a candidate can raise doubts regarding their credibility, ultimately affecting their employability.

Both graduates and professionals must pay close attention to their online reputation. A study conducted by CareerBuilder reveals that 69% of employers perform Google searches on job candidates as part of their screening process. Employers also admit to rejecting candidates based on social media content associated with them, with 54% acknowledging such decisions. This issue is particularly prevalent among job seekers aged 16 to 34, as 10% of candidates miss out on opportunities due to their social media activity.

Given that the internet has become the primary source of information, with most people automatically trusting its content, negative online content can significantly impact an individual or business. Edelman Insights’ research indicates that two out of three people consider the internet as the most reliable source of information about a person. Additionally, 97% of people check online reviews when considering using a local business, according to BIA Kelsey.

For job seekers, a strong presence on social media can be advantageous, showcasing enthusiasm and expertise in their chosen field. However, it is crucial to assess whether this content portrays them positively. A throwaway comment from years ago or content inaccurately associated with them could potentially harm their professional life.

To evaluate your digital footprint, it is important to log out of your browser to eliminate the influence of search history. When searching for yourself on Google, adding your occupation or city can help refine the results, displaying the most relevant content.

It is worth noting that few people venture beyond the first page of Google search results. However, if negative material appears on the first page, it can significantly impact a candidate’s job prospects. Content that can undermine their chances of being hired includes evidence of criminal behaviour, references to substance abuse, discriminatory statements, disclosure of confidential information about previous employers, provocative images or videos, and critical comments about former employers or colleagues.

For professionals striving to advance their careers, taking a proactive approach to ORM is essential to ensure their online reputation becomes an asset rather than a liability. Prudent steps to take control of their digital footprint include adjusting privacy settings, actively building a positive online presence, addressing inaccuracies, and taking measures to remove negative content.

Whether at the start of their career journey or scaling the corporate ladder, professionals must pause and consider the potential impact before posting any content on social media. The consequences of online content can be significant and enduring.

Even after joining a company, employees should remember that they continue to be subject to scrutiny, as over half of employers admit to monitoring the social media posts of their employees. While googling oneself may seem self-indulgent, it is a critical first step for career-oriented individuals to track their digital footprint and safeguard their professional reputation.

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