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3 Ways You Can Use Custom Rigid Boxes as a Marketing Tool

Looking for some bright ideas to grab your ideal customer’s attention and boost your product sales? Uncover useful ways in which custom rigid boxescan help businesses.

If you sell physical products, how much thought has been given to the product packaging? Do you see it as an essential part of your marketing plan? Just there to ship your products safely to the customers? Or you feel it’s an extension of your brand, and you ensure it looks just right?

If you do not consider product boxes as an extension of your sales team, it’s time for you to about-turn. Why? If your products are sold in-store, your packaging must attract potential customers and provide them all the necessary information they need to make the purchase.  

Even if you sell online, packaging will aid you to break down the physical barriers between your brand and the customer. It will establish a strong bond with your brand. This demonstrates that your packaging solution says a lot about your brand, whether you sell in-store or online. Companies like the Packaging Republic can help you with the packaging your products need to boost your brand presence and sales.

And when it comes to packaging, there is nothing better than rigid boxes. Not only do they have a luxurious feel, but they also aptly protect the encased products owing to their sturdy material.

Three Ways You Can Use Custom Rigid Boxes as a Marketing Tool 

Wondering how you can utilize custom rigid boxes as an opportunity to grow your sales without spending a fortune? Here are some exciting ways brands can redefine what it means to think out of the ordinary.

  1. Social Media Worthy

Use rigid boxes that make your products stand above the rest. Packaging like this can greatly motivate customers to promote your brand and products through their blogs and social media channels.

For instance, online retailers of luxury beauty products often use packaging that makes customers feel as if the parcel is actually a present. Similarly, when a delivery arrives in sleek and slim packaging, it hints at the company’s ethical standards, which buyers feel proud to share with their social networks.

  1. Eco-Friendly

Suppose any aspect of your brand has an environmentally friendly angle to it. In that case, it’s worth a short of using custom rigid boxes made out of biodegradable or reusable material to support and champion the fact.

Not only is it an excellent way to attract eco-conscious customers, but it will also prove a great selling point as more and more people now disagree with plastic and other hazardous packaging materials that cannot be reutilized. In fact, it will give buyers another reason to share their purchases with their connections on social media.

Also, one can’t forget to give bonus points to brands that engage customers by retorting and liking their comments or reposting their endorsements.  

Aside from all the other ethical plus points, one can print on the wholesale rigid boxes, a high percentage of customers are more than happy to buy from such a brand and readily show their love for them through social media.

  1. Accommodate Seasonal Promotions

Come up with some out-of-the-box ideas to shake up your custom rigid boxes to give your goods a makeover and rejuvenate customers’ interest.

Remember, novelty appeals. For example, you can introduce limited edition packaging or redesign it to make it more enticing for seasonal promotions. It is one of those practices that is widely used. Several leading brands have used the strategy to their advantage. Using offset printing, rigid box packaging can be made to lodge seasonal promotions.  

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