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A.D. Hutchinson

From Culinary Conquests to Literary Triumphs: A.D. Hutchinson’s Journey

Catering to a youthful audience aged 8-12, Hutchinson’s writing style is both educational and imaginative, weaving together fantasy adventures that captivate readers akin to fans of titles such as “Tristan Strong Punches a Hole in the Sky.” His debut novel, “Scholar of The Ebony Crown,” has garnered praise from esteemed publications like The Sun and The Daily Express Newspapers in the United Kingdom, marking a significant milestone in his literary journey.

Armed with diplomas in Creative Writing and Hotel and Catering Operations at an Advanced Level, Hutchinson seamlessly transitioned from the culinary world to that of an author. Drawing inspiration from childhood memories and a myriad of experiences, he began penning tales tailored for young readers aged 8-12, brimming with adventure and fantastical excitement.

From premier chef to acclaimed author and songwriter Hutchinson exemplifies the diverse paths that can ignite creativity. His stories, inspired by personal experiences, beckon young minds into realms of fantasy and adventure, fostering a love for reading and imagination among the next generation.

Having honed his skills at the esteemed Mirabelle Restaurant in Mayfair, London, Hutchinson’s career ascended through prestigious kitchens such as The Ritz, The Savoy, and Claridge’s. His transition into imparting culinary wisdom to aspiring chefs at a college marked a natural progression for his creative energies.

Beyond the realm of literature, Hutchinson’s talents extend to poetry and songwriting, earning recognition in international music awards where he clinched first and second prizes in lyric contests. His venture into songcraft has seen several compositions published, merging his passion for music with storytelling. “Scholar of The Ebony Crown” is now available on Amazon starting March 27, 2024.

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