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Career Experts Launch Innovative Support Tools for Recent University Graduates

A team of seasoned career experts has unveiled a groundbreaking initiative aimed at assisting university graduates in their transition into the professional realm.

Introducing Interview IQ, a specialised program devised by coaching and career professionals, designed to ease the journey of students as they venture beyond the confines of their college campuses and confront the unfamiliar and demanding world of work. Now, graduates can avail themselves of personalised guidance to refine their interview skills.

Eric Cole, the visionary behind Interview IQ, stated, “Let’s confront the reality: Navigating today’s job market can be bewildering and overwhelming! Nearly 50% of university graduates admit to being uncertain about where to commence their search.”

He continued, “Our insights have revealed a simple truth: First impressions are pivotal. The majority of recruiters assert that they require a mere 90 seconds to make a hiring decision. Considering that most candidates undergo multiple interviews before receiving an offer, possessing strong interview skills is an absolute necessity!”

“This is precisely why we established Interview IQ — to provide a distinctive fusion of career exploration and interview skills coaching. We firmly believe that interviewing is a skill that can be acquired through practice. We will equip you with the art of presenting ‘your story’ confidently and compellingly. Our methodology incorporates mock interviews to enhance soft skills, refine behavior-based responses, and alleviate anxiety. Practice enhances all these facets,” he emphasised.

In addition to honing interview prowess, Interview IQ also aids young graduates in comprehending the significance of a well-crafted resume, a captivating cover letter, and cultivating an impactful presence on LinkedIn, thereby enabling them to stand out from the competition.

Eric drew inspiration for Interview IQ from his extensive 30-year tenure as a hiring manager and coach. With a wealth of experience, Eric and his team have conducted over 1,000 candidate interviews and possess an intimate understanding of what it takes to secure the right job and excel in an interview.

Interview IQ’s expert coaches have formulated a comprehensive checklist outlining the range of services they offer: Self-Assessment – Interview IQ’s self-assessment provisions encompass a meticulous review and analysis by the career coaches, followed by subsequent sessions to devise a tailored action plan. Career Assessment – Guiding graduates in identifying the most fitting job opportunities. Cultivate a Personal Brand – Scrutinise and enhance resumes, LinkedIn profiles, social media presence, and networking skills. Interview Preparation – Master the art of articulating “Your Story.” Interview Practice – Hone and refine interview skills through mock interviews and receive constructive feedback from Interview IQ’s experienced coaches.

With Interview IQ at their disposal, aspiring graduates can embark on their professional journey equipped with the essential tools and guidance needed to achieve success.

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