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Composer and Musician Mark Sutton to Release New Single “Transcendence” in June

Fans of acclaimed composer and musician Mark Sutton are eagerly awaiting the release of his latest single, “Transcendence.” Known for his atmospheric piano and orchestra classics, Sutton continues to captivate audiences with his reflective and nostalgic appeal. Set to be released on June 3, 2023, “Transcendence” promises to take listeners on a transformative musical journey, generating high levels of enthusiasm and anticipation.

Sutton, based in Dorset, demonstrates his mastery of digital orchestration and the creation of background and theme music from his studio. While he excels in composing specific briefs and accompanying visual works, his non-commissioned pieces reflect a unique artistic approach. Guided by his soul’s whispers, Sutton allows his fingers to lead the way, resulting in compositions that touch the heart and soul. “Transcendence” showcases these elements of his style, evoking emotions and leaving a lasting impact on listeners.

With a deep connection to music from an early age and honed skills as a piano virtuoso, Sutton draws inspiration from a diverse range of modern and classical artists. Influences such as Chopin, Olafur Arnalds, and Ludovico Einaudi shape his compositions, creating a rich and varied musical tapestry that has garnered attention worldwide.

Described as a “soundtrack for life,” Sutton’s work combines orchestral compositions and pure piano tunes, providing a soothing and contemplative experience. His music acts as a guide, leading the mind, body, and soul towards feelings of contentment and peace.

“Transcendence” builds upon Sutton’s past success, including his acclaimed 2016 album “Quest of The Spirit.” Praised as an “illuminated journey of the soul,” his compositions have been celebrated for their ability to map out a way forward, resonating with listeners on a deep level.

Mark Sutton’s musical creations transcend boundaries, offering transformative experiences crafted by a maestro who possesses an innate understanding of the human condition. His compositions evoke emotions, transporting audiences to unseen places and leaving a profound impact on their hearts and minds.

As anticipation builds for the release of “Transcendence” in June, music enthusiasts and fans of Mark Sutton can look forward to yet another captivating and emotionally-charged masterpiece that will stir the depths of their souls.

To explore Mark Sutton’s compositions, they can be found on Spotify, iTunes, and other major platforms. For more information, interview requests, or to arrange a preview of “Transcendence,” visit

Be sure to follow Mark on Spotify:

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