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National Redhead Day Announced by ClipHair

Redheads now get a whole day to be celebrated thanks to the partnership between Cliphair and How To Be a Redhead leading to the launch of Nation Red Head Day in the UK.

“We felt that, as over 25% of the total redheads in the world lives in the British Isles, we should be doing more to support them and spread awareness here in the UK.” Riz, Cliphair Co-Founder.

Only 2% of the population can claim to be redheads, making it the rarest of colours. Scotland is the redhead capital of the world, with over 13% of all Scottish people having red hair. Wales and Ireland make up a further 10% and 4% of the English population are Redheads, an estimated 2.1 million people. The British Isles are proudly waving the red flag for redheads everywhere!

This November 5th is National Red Head Day;

Redhead sisters Adrienne and Stephanie Vendetti, co-founders of, first launched National Redhead Day in the US in 2012. Adrienne and Stephanie created in 2011 to celebrate redheads in both the fashion and beauty sector. As well as a successful website, the sisters have come leaps and bounds from their humble redheaded beginnings, publishing the “How to be a Redhead” beauty book and curating and marketing a monthly H2BAR Beauty Box.

Redheads are a shockingly misunderstood demographic. To this day, high profile beauty labels offer inadequate products to nurture the redhead’s specific beauty requirements.

“As young girls, we both had trouble finding ‘Redhead Friendly’ products because most items caused our skin to irritate or break out.”Stephanie Vendetti.

Back in 2012, Cliphair launched the first redhead range of hair extensions and they remain the leading seller of red hair extensions, with 10 stunning shades in their bestselling collections.

For more information you can follow Cliphair’s Redhead Campaign on their socials via #RedsHaveMoreFun & #CliphairRedheads. Alternatively, visit the campaign landing page to see the campaign shoot in full.

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