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Stop your winedering: 5 questions to ask your wine merchants

Whether you’re a tyro tippler or a seasoned sipper, we can all learn a little more about what we’re drinking. Thankfully, the best vino venders in town will know plenty about their labels, and will be more than happy to chat about what wine will work for your palette and party!

With this in mind, there are five imperative questions you should ask your merchant to ensure you get the perfect bottle for your enjoyment.

Here are those five questions:

  • What pairs best with (enter your dinner here)?

If you’re hosting a dinner party then you will likely want to know what will pair with your fare. Now we all know that different blends mix better with different food i.e. a fine Bordeaux wine with red meats or the classic Sav Blanc/seafood combo.

A knowledgeable merchant will be able to tell you the best pairing ideas, and will also be able to recommend the right bottle (or bottles, of course!) for you to choose to take home and serve alongside your salivate-starting dinner!

  • I want to try something similar to what I usually drink

You may have been enjoying vino for some years now but have always gone with the same variety. If you want to mix it up but try something with a subtle difference, you will be thrilled to know that there are countless grape varieties producing drops similar to yours but with those delightfully-subtle differences!

So, ask your merchant about the different varieties (there are over 5,000 grape types out there!) and see what they recommend in terms of getting something same-same but seriously different!

  • What are some great local drops?

Because Australia’s wine is – and will continue to be – up there with the world’s best, and so it only makes perfect sense that we as a wine-loving nation will happily pick up a bottle or two from the local cellars.

Whether it’s a sumptuous Barossa Shiraz, a divine Yarra Chardonnay, a Margaret River Cab Sav or something completely different, you can be sure that there are plenty of drops available that are going to invigorate your love for Aussie vino – your merchant will have just the drop for you, too!

  • I really like these fruits – do you have something that gives their flavours?

Whilst vino is naturally based in grape production, many varieties out there come with a variety of fruity notes that you can choose from to amplify your palate pleasure. For example, many varieties come with citrus-y notes, giving a delightfully tart flavour to what was always already a robust profile.

The merchant may even allow you to sample some of their bottles to ensure you get the right fruity flavours to take home with you…

  • Can you provide a drop for the mood?

Because you might be having an intimate dinner with a potential partner or you might be throwing an uber fun fiesta – you need a label that is going to match the mood! After all, enjoying this wonderful beverage isn’t solely a taste-centric experience – it’s something that has to match the energy in which it is being consumed.

So, if you’re partying, let the wine merchant know. If you’re feeling a bit down and having a mate over for a vento (venting vino!), say it, baby! The best merchant will know the difference between what is needed and when – ask them what is right for your night!

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