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BillyRider: Research on the used market 2022

Increasingly, equestrian sports articles are finding a new home on the second-hand market and being reused by their new owners. A trend that can’t be stopped – buying second-hand and sustainably, even in equestrian sports.  In 2022 alone, the average number of second-hand equestrian articles advertised per user on BillyRider grew to over three advertisements. The demand for used equestrian articles, however, was many times higher. 

In total, more than one million people interested in equestrian sports used BillyRider in 2022 and resold the equestrian sports articles they had advertised – on average in around 23 days. Saddles, Saddle Pads and Breeches were the most common items to find a new owner. In our BillyRider Brand Focus 2022 for the English-speaking world, we analysed which equestrian brands, categories and articles had the highest visibility and the strongest interest among buyers.

Top 10 equestrian brands in the second-hand market 2022

  1. Eskadron
  2. Prestige
  3. Kieffer
  4. Wintec
  5. HKM
  6. Passier
  7. Busse
  8. Cavallo
  9. Deuber & Partner
  10. Sommer

No surprise: In addition to saddle manufacturers, the top 10 equestrian brands also include trend-conscious outfitters such as Eskadron and HKM.

Top 10 categories of equestrian products

  1. Dressage Saddle
  2. Saddle Pads
  3. Jumping Saddle
  4. Endurance Saddle
  5. Riding Boots
  6. Breeches
  7. Horse Blankets
  8. Western Saddle
  9. Tendon Boots
  10. Bridles & Headstalls

Dressage Saddles and Saddle Pads are the winners in the categories. The high demand in the second-hand market for these equestrian articles is due on the one hand to the often high purchase price for (Dressage)-Saddles and the prevailing trend/fashion for Saddle Pads.

Here in particular, we are increasingly seeing trend-conscious equestrians selling last year’s collections on the second-hand market.

Top 10 of equestrian products:

  1. Euroriding Diamant
  2. Wintec Isabell Werth
  3. Prestige Top Dressage
  4. Pfiff Amaretto
  5. Eskadron Cotton
  6. Prestige Modena
  7. Eskadron Classic Sports
  8. Sommer Evolution
  9. Kentaur Elektra
  10. Wintec 500

In the top 10 most sought-after equestrian products, there are a large number of – newly purchased – high-priced saddles. This is not surprising, as these items usually have a very high product and manufacturing quality and are thus an ideal product for the second-hand market. Even after 3 to 5 years of use, some astonishing second-hand prices are still being achieved for brand saddles.

About the survey 2022: In the period from 01/01/2022 to 31/12/2022 BillyRider has analysed the focus of those interested in equestrian sports when purchasing second-hand riding articles. The top lists are made up of the demand of the respective manufacturer and/or products of English-language BillyRider web offers. Graphics on the BillyRider Brand Focus 2022 are available at

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