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Summit Land & Development: Transforming Dorset & Hampshire Counties with Quality Homes

Summit Land & Development, a prominent property development company based in Bournemouth, is rapidly establishing itself as a leader in Dorset and Hampshire. With a wealth of experience in the homes sector, the dedicated team is committed to constructing high-quality homes.

Founded in 2020 by lifelong friends Mark Clifton and serial entrepreneur Dave Rogers, Summit has experienced remarkable growth, progressing from a small number of units to 20-30 units per year. As a privately funded company, they operate without the need for external financing, ensuring seamless and expedient transactions.

At Summit, a positive and personalised approach underpins every development. The team engages directly with land and property owners, ensuring their involvement at every stage of planning and construction. This transparent approach fosters trust and enables the establishment of strong relationships within the southwest coastal region.

Dave Rogers, Co-founder of Summit, explains, “When Mark and I entered the competitive property development industry, we aimed to create an honest and approachable company. Property developers are often perceived as difficult to work with, which is why clarity and honesty are the core principles we uphold in every development, both with landowners and prospective buyers who envision a Summit Development property as their home.”

Summit specialises in both land and property acquisition. They collaborate with a trusted team of architectural designers and town planners to identify and create exceptional development opportunities. Additionally, their team of property lawyers ensures efficient and swift transactions.

This is excellent news for individuals seeking relocation or property purchases in Dorset or Hampshire. The coastal region offers breathtaking landscapes, excellent transport links, abundant employment prospects, and a variety of activities for individuals and families seeking a peaceful lifestyle. Summit simplifies the land and property development process, helping people realise their dreams effortlessly.

Currently, Summit Land & Development has ongoing projects in Bournemouth, Poole, Highcliffe, Wimborne, New Milton, and other areas across Dorset and Hampshire counties. With their industry expertise and a focus on honest and efficient service, Summit is poised for continued growth in the southwest.

For more information or to connect with Summit, please visit or follow them on Instagram @summit_developments.

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