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The Light And Shadow Of Media Advertising Has The Best Impact

In the battle between social media ads and online media ads, game winners are variable. It all depends on what is being analyzed and what is expected to be determined. If quality and perception are measured, online media ads are the overwhelming winners.

If what you want to know is which ads are really reaching the youngest consumers, social networks take the lead. The relationship is paradoxical and complex, as advertisers need their ads to be seen as trustworthy and worthy of attention but, at the same time, they need to ensure that they reach their niche audience. Therefore, they are positioned at a kind of crossroads in which one thing collides with another.

This is what can be deduced from the data they provide from Mumbrella . The medium has crossed several studies on audiences, media and response patterns to advertisements. All the announcements are about an Australian sample, but the conclusions can be extrapolated to other markets.

The first big conclusion is that, in terms of image and reputation, traditional and media-linked ads are the ones that get the best data. In fact, the issue is not just a media vs. social media war on the internet.

The study data even indicates that newspaper ads – those in print – perform better – up to four times better – than Facebook ads in perception. Ads linked to news also have better recall data, another noteworthy piece of information. Thus, for example, they achieve 1.7 times better spontaneous recall data than YouTube ads of six seconds.

The shadow of this data But before the traditional media congratulate themselves for this good data and uncork the champagne, they must complete this panorama with another reality. There is a complete demographic bias in these data.

As consumers get younger, the consumption of these media decreases. Children and young people do not read the news, at least the news on paper that gives such good data in memory of publicity. 60% of parents do not read newspapers or magazines to their children.

In these houses, the media do not enter, even though 42% believe that it is important for their children to have access to journalistic content from verified sources. Therefore, advertisers are faced with a complex situation, in which the scenario that offers the best return on brand perception and recall is one in which they will reach much smaller audiences and, above all, more limited in terms of age.

For the media, the data is equally difficult, because although it allows them to defend positions, they face a problem that will worsen over the years. They lack a generational change among their audience and that is something that affects them not only in terms of advertising, but also in terms of audience figures and sale of copies / subscriptions.

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