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Esther Dona Reveals How She Said Goodbye To Carlos Falco On WhatsApp

Esther Doña participated this Wednesday in The blood ties dedicated to her husband, Carlos Falcó , who died on March 20, 2020. Santiago Pedraz’s girlfriendrevealed how she felt during the last days of the Marquis de Griñón’s life, who was away from her because he was admitted by Covid-19.

“Carlos was proud of how the relationship began. How is life that our relationship begins with WhatsApp and ends with WhatsApp. The last one is the most painful,” explained the socialite, who in her book dedicated to the Marquis speaks in depth about these first messages of which it speaks, some rises of tone .

Next, she revealed what was the last message she sent him from El Rincón, the farm where her love lived: “Carlos had a little picture of his mother on his nightstand and Carlos said that when he wanted something strong he asked that virgin .

When I saw that he did not answer, I ran, lit a candle and sent him a WhatsApp with the photo. I told him “Everything will be fine because I am asking the virgin.” I wrote to his friends to send him messages of encouragement so that when he woke up he would see them. “

Then, Carlos’s state of health was already so delicate that, unfortunately, he never responded to his messages: “I did not receive answers from Carlos, but I always had the hope that he would return home. It took me a lot to assume that Carlos would not. I was coming back. I was very ill. I didn’t know if it was a consequence of Covid-19 or as a consequence of what I was living with Carlos. “

When Esther received the fateful news, she collapsed: “The doctor called me and told me. I couldn’t believe it. At that moment everything collapses, you feel empty, alone, uncertain, and it’s very painful.”

On the other hand, he clarified that, contrary to what is believed, Carlos’s family is not angry about the book he has published in his memory: “Carlos was proud of our love story. Regarding the ‘WhatsApp’ no they have contacted, with the family everything is fine, as I always say. This is only that the press talks about it. “

In this sense, he explained how the idea of ​​these controversial writings came about: “They call me and propose to write the book. It was a nice idea, but when they called me I was not ready, I liked the idea, but I was not ready. That was in May of last year. and asked to be contacted again at Christmas. “

Now she is in love with Santiago Pedraz
Changing his third, about the moment in which he is now his heart also spoke: “My partner is here with me, but Carlos is still the man of my life. I am in love with Santiago, he is my life partner, but with him I carry four months and with Carlos it was five years “.

Then, she explained again that Falcó predicted this relationship between her and the magistrate of the National Court: “Carlos said that the day he was gone, he would like someone to experience the happiness that he had felt with me and that person would like it to be. Santiago Pedraz “.

However, she assured that she did not look for the judge thinking about the words of the marquis: “I don’t want people to think that I am with Santiago and Santiago with me because Carlos loved him, but that the thing arose. And who reminded me? Carlos’s first cousin, Verónica. He told me ‘Santiago is the best’, he remembers that Carlos said it. He insisted so much that I told him ‘Hey if you like him so much why aren’t you with him,’ “he said.

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