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Youtube Surpasses 2 Million Content Creators On The Platform

In recent years, social media companies have invested considerable resources and money in their creators, yet YouTube wants to make it clear that it is he who leads.
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The ‘Partner’ program allows YouTubers of a certain size (at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of total watch time in the last 12 months) to earn income through advertising, subscription fees, donations, live streaming and YouTube Premium .

The news was announced by Product Manager Neal Mohan in a blog post, in which he praised the growth of the program: “YouTube Partner Program continues to be one of the biggest drivers of the creative economy in the world.”

Creators who are part of YPP can earn money and make a living from their content on YouTube with ten different monetization features (and we keep adding more), from advertiser revenue to product sales. Over the past three years, we have paid more than $ 30 billion to creators, artists, and media companies . “

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While YouTube continues to see steady growth as one of the most visited websites on the planet, the company has struggled to keep creators and advertisers happy.

A series of controversial episodes from the best YouTubers in the past led to what was dubbed the ‘apocalypse’, where a significant portion of advertisers cut back or stopped spending money on the site altogether, as it was deemed too risky for the site. brand safety.

Around the world, millions of creators use YouTube to find a community, reach a global audience, and build a business.

To protect this great community, they have developed a accountability framework that includes: removing harmful content, increasing authorized voices, reducing content that is borderline acceptable, and rewarding trusted creators.

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The company noted that it laid the foundation for that growth by cleaning up the site for advertisers.

“Our responsibility as a global platform has created this place that works,” said Neal Mohan, YouTube’s chief product officer in an interview.

In 2007, YouTube began splitting ad sales with creators, eventually forming a sprawling system with few rules. That exploded when advertisers boycotted YouTube for inappropriate videos.

In early 2018, the service drastically reduced the number of paid channels, focusing on those that met audience thresholds and guidelines.

Now that number is growing again. YouTube said the number of new channels in its ad program doubled during 2020.

Big rivals like Facebook , TikTok, and Spotify have tried to lure YouTube creators with tools and payments, although, so far, none have made significant progress. Even Facebook pledged not to receive commissions from creators until 2023 in an effort to drive growth.

YouTube takes 45% of most video ad sales. Mohan said there are no plans to change that.

YouTube also splits ad money with traditional media outlets that publish videos. Mohan declined to say how much of the $ 30 billion figure went to those companies, but said a “huge chunk” of the sum went to independent creators and musicians.

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