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Forget About Heavy And Spam In WhatsApp Groups

WhatApp allowed the possibility of deleting messages in a group conversation or in an individual conversation four years ago, in this way, we can avoid possible oversights due to absentmindedness.

WABetaInfo has released through WhatsApp Beta a new function where the administrators of a group will have the ability to delete any message , in addition, they have shown the first screenshot in which you can see what said update would be like .

At the moment this function is still under development and it is still unknown when it could be available to all users , however, it is estimated that by early 2022 this novelty will be incorporated.

In the screenshot we can see that the messages deleted by an administrator will appear as “This message has been deleted by an administrator” , without indicating who has been in charge of deleting it. Also, according to WABetaInfo tests, administrators will be able to delete messages from other administrators.

Starting next year, administrators will be able to delete other users and messages, so we could say that these people will have the absolute power of groups.

On the other hand, the application wants to extend the time we have to delete a message , at first it seems that the limit of one hour will be eliminated, however, in the source code of WhatsApp Desktop it seems that it will be extended to seven days and eight minutes .

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