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Team Pride: Why You Should Pick Up NBL Team Merch

The NBL is one of the world’s highest quality and popular leagues. It makes sense, as Australia is one of the world’s top basketballing nations, and our national league has given rise to some true heroes of the local and international game!

This is why fans come out in force every season to see their favourite teams take on the competition on the road to becoming champions. It’s also a great reason to pick up some super-fresh merch from your favourite club.

Yes, whether it’s a Melbourne United, Sydney Kings or 36 basketball Adelaide, here are some reasons why you should definitely pick up some team merch before the new season:

  1. It gets you pumped for the new season

What better way to get excited for the season ahead than to pick up your favourite team’s merch? You can get yourself a shirt, cap or something completely different, but we think one of the best ways to show your team pride and get excited for the new season is picking up your team’s basketball.

This is because you can actually enjoy playing with the ball in the lead up to the new season. And who doesn’t love practising their own skills in the buildup to what is surely going to be the biggest NBL season in the game’s recent history?

Whether playing at the local club, park or in the driveway, having your team’s ball is one of the best ways to enjoy the excitement of both playing and supporting this awesome sport!

  1. It shows your team pride

The NBL is one of Australia’s favourite team sports. Therefore, there are thousands of fans across the country who are happy to show their love for their favourite team. Whether you love your hometown heroes or support an interstate rival there is always room to show love for your favourite team through some top quality merchandise.

What’s more, if you regularly find yourself attending the big games, you will probably want some top quality merch to show your support on gameday. Whether that’s donning their jersey during the game or dribbling up to the stadium with your team ball, there are many avenues to show the players that you’ve got their backs until the final siren and beyond!

  1. It supports the Aussie game

Because getting your team’s colours out and about spreads awareness about the game in Australia. Sure, the NBL is one of our oldest and most successful sporting leagues, but that doesn’t mean it can’t always use a little extra support from Aussie ball-lovers. So, pick up your favourite team gear and show your support for the Aussie game – it works wonders and keeps the sport thriving in Australia!

  1. It’s always super fresh

Because basketball is a fresh sport, of course, and any team merchandise is going to look pretty stylish, too. Whether it’s a new jersey, cap, beanie or ball, nothing looks better than rolling up to your team’s gameday than in some stylish merch. Supporting in style is always a winning look and you have so many options for fresh fits ready to wear to NBL games!

As you can see, there are many good reasons to pick up some of your team’s top quality merch before the new season commences. It will get you absolutely pumped for the new season whilst showing your support for both your club and the league.

Plus it always looks pretty cool in the process – wins all round, really.

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