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How to Make Sure Your Students Are Actually Working

It’s not easy to know whether or not your students are working when they’re supposed to be. It’s hard to keep track of everyone, and it’s even harder to make sure that everyone is doing their part.

1. Make Sure You Are Engaging Your Students in the Material

If your students are bored or not interested in the material, they will likely tune out and not do their work. Keep them engaged by using activities, games, and other methods to make the material more interesting. If the students are bored, they will not be engaged and will not do their work.

Another tip is to break up the work into manageable chunks. If your students feel like they can’t finish the work, they likely won’t even start. Make sure to break the work down into smaller tasks that they can complete efficiently. Breaking the work down into smaller tasks will help them feel more confident and motivated to complete the work.

2. Set Clear Expectations for Behavior in Class

If your students know what is expected, they are more likely to follow the rules and do their work. Be clear about your expectations for behavior, and enforce the rules consistently. The teacher needs to be clear about the expectations and enforce the rules every time.

Remember to give feedback on their work. If your students feel like you’re not paying attention to their work, they may not see the point in doing it. Give them feedback on their progress and let them know what they’re doing well and what they need to work on with more energy.

3. Pay Attention to Your Students’ Body Language and Facial Expressions

If you notice that your students are slouched in their seats or have blank expressions on their faces, it’s a good indication that they’re not engaged in the material. Try to get them more involved by asking questions or having them participate in activities.

Paying attention to your students’ body language and facial expressions is a great way to tell if they’re engaged in the material. If you notice that they are slumped over or have blank expressions on their faces, try to get them more involved by asking questions or having them participate in activities.

4. Make Sure to Hold Your Students Accountable for Their Work

If you notice that a student isn’t doing their work, talk to them about it. You can also require that they turn in their work on time or give them consequences for not completing their work.

Ensuring your students are accountable for their work is essential for keeping them on track. If you notice that a student isn’t doing their work, talk to them about it. You can also require that they turn in their work on time or give them consequences for not completing their work.

5. Make Sure You Are Available to Answer Questions and Help Your Students if They Are Having Trouble

If your students feel like they can’t come to you for help, they may not bother trying to do their work. Make sure you are available to answer questions and help your students if they need it.

Making yourself available to answer questions and help your students is essential for keeping them engaged in the material. If your students feel like they can’t come to you for help, they may not bother trying to do their work. Make sure you are available to answer questions and help your students if they need it.

K12 Chromebook monitoring software is an excellent tool for keeping track of your student’s progress. This type of software can track what websites your students are visiting, what apps they’re using, and how long they’re spending on each task. This information can be beneficial in determining whether or not your students are working.

If you notice that your students spend a lot of time on social media or other non-educational websites, you can talk to them. You can also use the software to block certain websites so that your students can focus on their work. Monitoring is a great way to ensure your students are working and not just wasting time online.


These are a few things you can do to ensure your students are working. Pay attention to their body language and facial expressions, make sure they are accountable for their work and be available to answer questions and help them if they need it. Chromebook monitoring software can also be a great way to keep track of your student’s progress and make sure they are focusing on their work.

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