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Introducing Snake Brand’s Relaxing Lavender Prickly Heat Powder for a Soothing Experience in the UK

Snake Brand, the esteemed leader in prickly heat powders, is delighted to unveil its highly anticipated Relaxing Lavender variant of the renowned prickly heat powder in the UK. By combining the cooling properties of prickly heat powder with the soothing fragrance of lavender, this new offering aims to provide the ultimate relaxation and relief during the sizzling summer months.

Prickly heat, also known as heat rash, is a common skin condition caused by blocked sweat glands, resulting in redness, itching, and discomfort. Snake Brand has long been synonymous with effective solutions for prickly heat, and their latest product innovation takes it a step further.

Relaxing Lavender Prickly Heat Powder is meticulously crafted using a unique blend of natural ingredients, including menthol and lavender extracts, renowned for their cooling and calming effects. The delicate scent of lavender enhances the sensory experience, promoting relaxation and tranquility for the user. This invigorating powder not only alleviates prickly heat symptoms but also leaves the skin feeling cool, refreshed, and revitalized.

“At Snake Brand, our mission is to enhance the well-being of our customers,” said Nick Kirby, the UK Marketing Manager of Snake Brand. “With the introduction of our Relaxing Lavender Prickly Heat Powder, we aimed to provide a multi-dimensional solution that not only addresses prickly heat but also elevates the overall experience with a soothing aroma. We believe this new product will revolutionize the way individuals combat heat rash during the summer season.”

Snake Brand’s Relaxing Lavender Prickly Heat Powder is user-friendly and suitable for all skin types. The fine powder swiftly absorbs excess moisture, allowing the skin to breathe and reducing the risk of irritation. The delightful lavender fragrance adds a touch of luxury, making it an ideal companion for sweltering summer days and nights.

To celebrate the launch, Snake Brand is offering an exclusive introductory offer. Customers can enjoy a 15% discount on their first purchase of Relaxing Lavender Prickly Heat Powder by using the code LAVENDER15 on their website, The product is also available on popular online platforms such as Amazon and eBay.

For more information about Snake Brand and their range of prickly heat powders, please visit their website or contact the company directly at

About Snake Brand: Snake Brand is manufactured by The British Dispensary LLP, a leading provider of high-quality prickly heat powders. Established in 1947, the brand has garnered a strong global reputation for its effective and dependable solutions to combat prickly heat and provide relief from various skin irritations.

Press Contact:
Nick Kirby
PR Manager
Snake Brand UK

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