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FTX Fallout Set To Accelerate Digital Asset Regulation

  • Two out of three professional investors expect major regulatory change within nine months
  • 75% believe improved regulation will boost investment by institutional investors and wealth managers
  • Global study of institutional investors and wealth managers across several countries including the US, UK, Germany, Singapore, Switzerland, UAE and Brazil

According to new research by London-based Nickel Digital Asset Management (Nickel), Europe’s leading regulated and award-winning digital assets hedge fund manager, the fallout from the collapse of FTX will accelerate major regulation of the digital asset market (please see the attached press release).

Its study found nearly two out of three (64%) institutional investors and wealth managers expect major regulatory change within nine months. Around 30% predict major regulation will be implemented within the next six months while 28% expect improved regulation within nine months to a year.

Nickel commissioned research with 200 institutional investors and wealth managers from across seven countries who collectively manage around $2.85 trillion in assets which shows they are overwhelmingly positive on the impact of increased regulation. Around three-quarters (75%) believe robust regulation will boost investment by institutional investors and wealth managers in the sector.

However, they highlight a lack of clarity over which regulators have the authority to police the market as well as a belief that regulatory bodies around the world are waiting for the US to take the lead as potential obstacles to increased regulation. Around 68% questioned cited regulatory confusion and delays by regulators as the biggest issues blocking swift action.

Nearly two-thirds (66%) worry that regulators do not understand the crypto and digital assets market while 59% warn about poor coordination of regulation globally. Nearly half (46%) fear that regulators are struggling to recruit qualified people from the digital and crypto assets market.

They are optimistic about increased investment by regulators and Governments on understanding the market and developing new regulatory frameworks. Around 80% expect them to boost spending this year with 23% predicting a dramatic rise in the level of investment.

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