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Dress to Impress: The Perfect Spring Date Attire for Men

Spring is just around the corner, and that means only one thing for the lovebirds among us: there will be more opportunities for romantic dates. Green parks ornamented in spring’s vibrant colours, splendid sunsets at the beach quay, and quaint restaurants under the starry sky are some of the abundant date settings the season has to offer.

One of the most important things we have to think about before going on a date is what to wear. When it comes to selecting outfits, however, men are in need of fashion tips.

In a survey by clothing brand Perry Ellis, 81 per cent of men reported having trouble getting dressed for an event. Meanwhile, 73 per cent of men admitted to feeling “inappropriately dressed” for an occasion.

It’s the final hurdle towards having the perfect spring date, so what should you wear to impress your partner on this special day? Here, we explore what trends will make you feel your most confident on date night.


It’s perhaps the most important part of your look on a date. Your clothes set the mood for the night, demonstrating how fancy, casual, or comfy the date is going to be.

Speaking to women on their expectations and what they would like to see their potential or new partner wear on a date, style and comfort take priority. A discussion with Tabitha, a 23-year-old from Manchester, reveals that she expects smart-casual attire, but stresses that she wants her date to be comfortable:

“Dates are really special for me because they’re an opportunity to show you’re interested in the other person through enticing conversations, treats, and putting a little effort into what you’re wearing.

“While I enjoy dressing up, I want to have fun. Something smart but casual means we can go out for dinner and then a few relaxed drinks after. Khakis and a nice shirt can usually do the trick; it shouldn’t be anything too restricting after all.”

While men shouldn’t feel pressure to dress to the nines on a date if they don’t want to, a collared shirt is a great choice. Modern khakis also strike a balance between smart and casual, sitting in the gap between jeans and trousers. Go for pastel colours and cameo green, as they will be trending this spring, according to Vogue magazine.

Pair them with stylish men’s boots to give the perfect finish to your look with a jean jacket. According to Google Trends, the latter has increased in interest by 200% in the last year.

GQ magazine highlights that cardigans, sleeveless vests, and chic tailored suits will also be dominating men’s spring/summer 2022 trends, so consider those items if you want to look trendy for your date.

Clothing isn’t just about what you wear, it’s about how you present yourself in them. Washing and ironing your clothes at the correct temperature can help improve both how they look and how long they will last. You’ll also look sharp in a crisp ironed shirt.


Your hair can be one of the best assets for switching up your look, and your partner will appreciate it any way you put it. ‘Texture’ has taken over 2022, with mullets and shaggy styles becoming wildly popular on social media platforms such as Instagram and TikTok.

In fact, Google searches for ‘mullet’ in 2021 were 86 per cent higher than their five-year average. Meanwhile, searches for ‘short hair men’ fell by 15 per cent in the same period. Longer, more rugged looks are the way to go.

Of course, this might not suit everyone. But choosing a hairstyle that sets you apart can show individualism; a daring side that can be exciting, especially on a date.


And finally, the cherry on top: your scent. Wearing cologne can boost your own confidence. Scents can affect your mood, and a cologne that you enjoy wearing can increase your overall levels of positivity. This is particularly true for citrus notes.

The added benefit is that the right smells can be sensual for your partner, elevating your appeal and adding to the romance of the day. Switching from a cologne that you usually wear to something new on date night can also make a noticeable difference.

Let’s emphasise and conclude – you’ll do amazing on your date, whatever you wear. But an outfit that makes you stand out as a smart-dressed, uniquely styled, and alluring individual for date night may just get some extra brownie points.

It’s not just about what you wear that makes you beautiful or alluring. One survey suggests that while 23 per cent of people think that a sense of style is important to make a man beautiful, 60 per cent or more agree that happiness, kindness, and confidence are equally important factors as well.


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