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To isolate civil unrest, guns and ammo are removed from Walmart shelves

In response to civil unrest, Walmart removes all the guns and ammo products from their shelves. 

Walmart removes the guns from their different stores. However, on the public request, the fireman products will still be available for citizens. Around 4700 stores, Walmart sells their firearms.

They have decided to remove the gun from all of their stores. This decision of removing guns takes place due to police shooting in Philadelphia. 

This incidence results in protests all over the country. This incidence also triggers protestors to loot the shops due to the incidence of a boy Walter Wallace who was a mentally ill boy who was shot by a police officer. 

So to give justice to this young black guy protest start over the United States of America. 

People were so angry, and they start a violation. They start breaking the Foot Locker store and start entering to take up all the items present over there.

To an email statement to NBC News spokesman for Walmart, Kory Lundberg said that to avoid any unrest we have removed all the guns and ammunition. Now guns and ammunition would not be available for sale. To provide safety to the customers, this step is taken as a precaution.

At a different point, over the years the chain has removed the ammo and guns from there floor, for example during protest against police officers when the killing of George Floyd take place. 

George Floyd was a black American. He was shot by one of the white police officer Derek Chauvin. After the death of George Floyd, the protest start all over the United States of America. 

The complaint also spread on an international level. During different shooting events over additional time, the guns were removed. The replacement of gun and ammo also take place in June. 

The protestors start protesting, and they damaged the stores. After killing of George Floyd, this kind of protests begins all over the United States of America.

Now due to the death of Walter Wallace, a black man, the protests are started again. Walter Wallace was the black American who was shot by the police officers. 

The family of Walter Wallace said that he had some mental issue. On Tuesday night police tweeted that a large number of people around 1000 are looting the businesses. 

A news helicopter footage showed that a large crowd break the Foot Locker store and enter to take all the items present over there. They also break other business. People are so angry and sad over the shot of a black, mentally ill boy by the police officers.

Stressful events arise due to an increase in interest in purchasing a gun. However, some buyers of gun wish to make themselves protected from expected unrest that may occur with the time. The claims for buying a firearm are higher this year as compare to previous years.

Mark Peter Smith and CEO of significant gun manufacturer Smith and Wesson said to a conference call with investors on 3 September.

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