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The Dog That Sweeps Instagram By Painting Pictures

Some breeds of dogs have given ample samples of their intelligence. Among those that stand out the most for this trait are the Australian shepherds. One of them, called Secret, is sweeping thanks to her artistic gifts.

A video of the dog creating a painting has gone viral with 16 million views. And he has more than a million followers on Instagram. The video shows Secret holding a paintbrush in her mouth to cover the canvas in blue paint.

Then change to green to paint the stem followed by a yellow flower. Finally, with a gesture of determination, Secret proudly poses with the finished image. Owner Mary Peters, 20, of Seattle, USA, said: “I am very proud of her.”

“Secret drew a sunflower. Or maybe it’s a daisy? We’ve been having a lot of fun working on painting different shapes and brush strokes lately, and she’s getting to the point where she can make recognizable shapes on her own,” she says. the proud owner.

Secret also does yoga, plays drums, rides a scooter, and loves sledding in winter. Of all these activities there are videos on his Instagram account.

Precisely on Instagram Secret already has more than a million followers.

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