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Instagram Has Its Search Engine In Workshops

Instagram has its search engine in workshops, whose new design will be looked at in the mirror of TikTok. Instagram has announced on its official blog a series of improvements to its search engine, which will soon allow the user to search for images and videos related to a particular theme: space, for example.

The Instagram search engine is about to go through sheet metal and paint in order to provide a more optimal experience for those who visit this platform for the first time and are in need of a kind of compass to find content that is truly of interest to them.

Currently the Instagram search engine shows results restricted to account names, hashtags and places , so it is difficult for the user to find images and videos in tune with their own personal interests.

Aware of this very important obstacle, Instagram has announced on its official blog series of improvements in its search engine, which will soon allow the user to search for images and videos related to a particular theme: space, for example.

The results that the user obtains when performing a search will also obey three main variables : the text of the search, the activity of the user and the information about the results.

The new design of the Instagram search engine is clearly inspired by TikTok (although with a slightly different distribution) and with it the Facebook subsidiary aims to help the user come face to face with all that content that is often submerged in the immensity of the ocean of the social network and that until now was much more difficult to locate.

We’re looking at “a series of enhancements designed for inspiration and discovery,” emphasizes Adam Mosseri, CEO of Instagram.

The first to enjoy such practical changes in the Instagram search engine will predictably be the English-speaking users of the app. Even so, those who have knowledge of the English language and reside in a non-English-speaking country will also be able to search in English to find content adapted to their personal tastes.

The new Instagram search engine does not have a release date yet , but it seems that it will be launched in the coming months.

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