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David Bisbal Shows How Much His Daughter Ella Has Grown With A Tender Photo On Instagram

That David Bisbal drool over his children is no mystery. The latest publication he has shared on the networks has touched his followers: taking the arms of his little Ella, the singer shows his more brotherly side.

With two photos , father and daughter show their appreciation for each other in a beautiful moment that has been captured with a garden in the background. In the first, Bisbal observes the apple of his eye, while in the second, father and daughter are seen merging in an embrace .

“My big girl , ” he added. Respecting the minor’s anonymity, the young Ella’s face is hidden, with her back to the camera. David Bisbal and Elena Tablada , who announced their breakup a year after conceiving the 11-year-old girl, already had a legal confrontation over the protection of the minor’s identity.

The little girl’s parents agreed to keep the little girl anonymous and, so far, they have a good relationship. The singer from Almería, for his part, shares two more children , Matteo and Bianca, with his current partner, the model Rosanna Zanetti .

Always proudly showing off his children, this latest post has wowed several for the comment section. Several colleagues have appreciated how grown it is, like Alejandro Sanz himself : “So beautiful . ” Alfred García, for his part, adds: “How handsome . “

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