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Spotify Wrapped Is Here, Check What You Have Heard The Most On Platform

Spotify Wrapped is back for another year to teach its users which songs and artists they have listened to the most throughout this 2021. Those who listen to their favorite songs and podcasts on the platform are already filling social networks like Instagram and Twitter with their results.

The streaming audio content service has modified the design of its annual compilation, with new animations and colors that are more attractive than in previous years. However, the novelty that stands out the most is undoubtedly that, as the user progresses through his summary of the year, the songs are played.

When entering Spotify Wrapped, the first thing that is shown are three songs to recall different stages of 2021. Subsequently, the platform details how many minutes the user has listened to each one.

The service dares to analyze the aura of each person through the musical genre, artists, songs and podcasts that they have listened to the most. Although many know your tastes, this function that Spotify updates every year can make more than one surprise with its results.

The platform offers new data on the summary of the year for each consumer.The platform offers new data on the summary of the year for each consumer.Spotify
In addition, Spotify Wrapped 2021 also pairs the most listened to songs of its users with classic movie scenes. In this way, consumers can find out which film represents them the most according to their favorite music.

For users to interact with their results , the platform offers the possibility that they try to guess what is the lie between three statements that are presented (two are true and one is false).

On the other hand, Spotify has also added 170 videos of exclusive content from some famous artists. However, these multimedia publications can only be seen by those who have the singer in their playlists ‘Your best songs 2021’ or ‘Your artists revealed’.

How to access your Spotify Wrapped 2021?
Access your Spotify mobile app.
Within the application, there is a section called ‘Wrapped 2021 is here’.
Through this function, you will have access to publications in a format similar to Instagram Stories.
See your results and share if you want through social networks through ‘Share this story’.
Note that to access Spotify Wrapped’s annual compilation, consumers must use the official mobile app. If you use an apk, you may not be able to see your results.

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