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Ayuso Assures That He Will Try To Dialogue With Casado

The president of the Community of Madrid , Isabel Díaz Ayuso , has assured that she will try to “dialogue as much as possible” with her party, the PP , and with its president, Pablo Casado, and believes that the open debate before her attempt to lead Madrid’s PP will end “very well . “

In an interview with El Mundo , published this Sunday, Díaz Ayuso assures that he is not a threat to Casado , stresses that he is part of his team and that their relationship is not broken, but that they speak “constantly”, although he admits the tension and defends that “that’s why it’s good that it ends soon.”

“The important thing here is how things end. Along the way they have their ups and downs, but the important thing is how it ends. I am convinced that it will end very well,” she affirms and gives her support to Casado when he steps forward “both in the national congress and later to the Moncloa “.

In addition, he assures that they have “very much desire to remain united” , after his chief of staff, Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, told the general secretary of the PP, Teodoro García Egea , that they arranged the clash in three and a half minutes, in a meeting between both promoted by journalists.

He also denies that they have asked him for Rodríguez’s head and disassociates him from the PP, while from number two of the PP, whom he blocked on WhatsApp in his “maximum urgency” line, he explains that “he is like anyone” on the phone at the who talks “with the whole world.”

Díaz Ayuso also considers that “the vast majority” supports him “openly” to lead the PP in Madrid , but does not ask for accessions so as not to divide.

“I defend health policy over the PP” , he affirms before his clash with Genoa for the suspension of the party’s Christmas dinners. He believes that it would not be coherent to change the policy with which he was presented at the polls four months later.

On the national stage , he wishes for Casado a situation analogous to his in the Community of Madrid, where Vox needs him not to vote against and reject pacts with the left.

“When it comes to seeking understanding, the left will never offer it, ” he argues, but does not position himself on a possible pact in the Madrid City Council between the mayor, José Luis Martínez-Almeida , and Recupera Madrid, councilors close to his predecessor, Manuela Carmena .

In addition, he denies that his brother has gone to hospitals, suggesting who to hire .

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