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5 Key Features Of On Demand Handyman App

The fast world we live in today we want every work to be done in an instant. The work can be anything from buying anything to getting our pipeline fixed. We want the solutions right at our doorstep!

For this reason, we get everything online now, be it a pair of branded shoes or someone to fix our broken machine. The on demand services app is very important and famous nowadays. People get whatever help they need and the owner of the app makes a lot of money.

The amount of money that can be made by launching your own on demand app is huge, and that is why more and more people are concerning this as a very effective business idea.

If you are too then please keep scrolling you will get to know a lot about the app as well as how to design and establish your own business around this, you can also check our website for on demand handyman app.

If you are thinking of a business what you first need to know is what this entire “on demand Handyman App”is about.

“On demand” services are basically the services which we need on a regular basis, be it a fix in our pipeline or to repair our broken machines. We even get benefit by having parlour services at our home and we don’t need to worry about reaching our clothes to the laundry. And the fast world demands all this information to be right in our hands. There comes the idea of an application which will help us to connect to experts and get our problems solved.

So, this app basically helps people to get these helper’s numbers and to contact them in order to get things fixed. This app is very useful because it saves time and helps the troubled person very quickly and takes him/her out of their misery. An On demand app is able to reduce our effort too.

And if we consider the owner of the app it helps him to make money, a lot of money!

So, here I will provide you with a few tips and 5 key features to make an app which will be user friendly as well as which will help you earn a handsome amount of money.

The first point that you need to know is what are the essential services which is a must that your app should provide :

  • Carpenter
  • Plumbing
  • Electrical
  • Tiling
  • Cleaning
  • Controlling


These are very essential as everyone needs this in their day to day life and it is very common for people to have a good struggle to get hold of people who can actually help them out. So having these contacts can actually be very useful for the customers and this will help your app to become popular among people.

Second –

        When you succeed in making and launching an app the thing which should be kept in mind is keeping the ratings and review of your in check. This kind of app which helps in everyday life gets its popularity and success both from the peoples opinions about the app. So, it is very important that you have goodwill among people and ask them to give honest and of course positive reviews and ratings. Of course for this the first and the foremost thing is, you provide extraordinarily good service to your customers.

It will allow customers to find your app genuine based on customer’s positive feedback and let them choose your application to have the services.

There must be a help and support option for your customers and service providers so that their problem gets solved if any.

Nowadays customers find it helpful to chat directly with their service providing agencies if any issue arises. So there must be chat options available for the customers to contact the service providers if needed. Each handyman should also have the option to contact the customers regarding their services.

Third –

        When we look in any handyman application what we mostly see is there is only one option in the case of booking. Customers can only book the service for instant service and what we miss is scheduling. Scheduling is a very needed option but most of the apps lack this.

It will be a clever move to have this option in your app and this for sure will gather more customers because there are a lot of people who want to book the service according to their choice of date yet a pre-booking. The busy life we lead is very important that we get these kinds of options in your daily needed services.

Fourth –

  The payment option. It is a very necessary section to put your focus on. Having a wide range of payment options attracts a lot of people. There are different people who are concerned about payment and can only avail one option, there they need that option to access the app. So it is very important to have all the possible methods available from Cash on delivery, online transaction, UPI to everything.

It is also very important to keep in check that the payment process is very smooth because there are people who are not that knowledgeable in the field of technology.

Also problematic payment or forcing customers to pay via some method which they are not comfortable with will drive the customers away. This will lead to a lesser number of loyal customers.

Not only does the app offer different payment methods, it produces an estimated fare for every service when customers search for it. It allows the customers to book services according to their

budget.Therefore it is advantageous for the customers to know the estimate before placing the order.

Fifth –

  The app should have a very good tracking provider service, as it is very important for the customer to check where their help is after they book a service from the app.

Suppose a customer booked for a cab service and by tracking the exact location of the cab driver, he/she will be able to know how much time they have to wait and when to leave the house. Like this, it is also advantageous for the customers to know the location of the servicing person so that they must be in the house at that time to receive their expected services when they come.

Similarly this service should be available for each handyman as they will need to know where they are supposed to go and do the job. A good tracking service will make their job easy and will save a lot of time making both sides happy and ultimately attracting loyal customers for your app.

These 5 key points should be kept in mind in order to establish a good business in this field. And for more such tips you can also visit our website.

If you are a newbie in this field it is suggested for you to look at different apps providing similar on demand services to get a good idea of the whole thing.

For example you can consider the Uber for handyman app.

They have very nice features also they are very much legally safe because they have all the required license and documents that one needs for minding such an app. They let their customers see these details which ensures a trusted relationship between them and their customers.

They have a very good set of people who are very skilled in communication. This is again a very important area which should be in focus. You should always have a very strong team of people to work on the communication because that is the major thing which will bind you with your customers.

 This was a brief guide to this business, hope it was helpful to you. Hope you do great in the field and earn a lot!

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