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Is Robotic Sewing Machine The Future Of Fashion Designing

Technology has been so advanced in the last few years with the help of robots that perform every task. Whether it is cooking or even sewing they do each work. Robotic sewing machines are fabulous at sewing fabrics and help in reducing your workload. But is it true – Is robotic sewing machine the future of fashion designing?. The robotic sewing machine has changed the industry of fashion designing in some or another way. This change has not only affect the fashion designing industry but everyone involved whether they are manufacturers, retailers, and designers. Many top brands are using these robotic sewing machines to make trendy clothes. You can also learn how to make clothes and improve your sewing with the best sewing machine under $200.

How Robotic Sewing Machine Works?

In the past few years, many companies created mechanical devices that copy the way how humans sew. But it was a difficult task and then robotic sewing machines came into existence. You are taking the help of robots in sewing as they can able to cut through anything. The robots require a hard fabric, so for this fabrics were thickened and turned into thermoplastic composites. This sewing machine detects the distortions and adjusts the fabric robotically. They moved the fabric using two methods. The first is a robotic arm that lifts and places fabrics with the help of a vacuum gripper. The second method is a 360-degree conveyor system which is a spherical roller. This roller can relocate the fabric and can add as much smoothness as needed.

What Changes Is Robotic Sewing Machine Bringing?

An electric sewing machine can work with the help of a human being. The revolution of a robotic sewing machine has started reducing the number of workers needed for the production of clothing to more than half. When the sewing machine bots were invented they started performing many tasks that a human being performs. Due to this many of the workers lost their job and it has a main impact on their income. Another drastic change that came was productivity, it was increased helping companies to supply their merchandise to their customers. A heavy-duty sewing machine is irreplaceable as it withstands intense use and delivers the speed that is required in this industry. The traditional brand started releasing more and more designs to keep up with advanced tech brands.

What Are The Benefits and Drawbacks Of A Robotic Sewing Machine?         


A robotic sewing machine helps in making the clothes quickly and perfectly. According to a survey it was found that an automated robot can produce up to 1100 T-shirts in eight hours. Many companies have been launching robots that are capable of sewing by joining hardware and software in one process. The robotic sewing machine can help in making perfect clothes for you. You don’t have to wait for so long or have to depend on others if you are having a robotic sewing machine. If an automated sewing machine has a positive impact then on other hand it has a negative also. It can have a bad impact as many of you are losing your job just because a robotic sewing machine can perform your work.


The drawbacks of a robotic sewing machine are that there is a labor decrease of 50 to 70%. It has a bad impact on the income of many laborers who make clothes. They were jobless after the invention of robotic sewing machines. They have to search for a job in the sector where there is no use of a robotic machine. 

Can Automated Sewing Transform The Apparel Industry?

The automated sewing machine has transformed the fashion designing industry. The stitching done by robots has shown that the clothing industry is among the first to mechanize. The clothes designed by a robotic sewing machine are made so perfectly. You will not face any problem related to size or designs. You will get a perfect size according to your requirement, neither too much nor too little. If things will work like this only, then we can surely say that robotics sewing machines will be the future of fashion designing.

Final Thought

Definitely, the advanced robotic sewing machine will bring a drastic change in the apparel industry. The clothing industry focuses on the marketing strategy but soon after using the robotic sewing machine, there will be a slight shift in the focus. The productivity will boom up leading to the generation of more revenues. On the other hand, there will be people that become jobless as they will be replaced by robotic sewing machines. Handmade still provides incredible productivity no matter how advanced the technology becomes but cannot be 100% automatic or rely on the robots. Humans are still an important asset for the textile industry because the potential contribution is more fruitful in the long run.

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