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Metal magic: what to ask your custom fabrication team

Custom metal fabrication can be as grandiose or rudimentary as anything, but trust us, when it comes to getting the best in the business, you should be looking big. Why? Because with a comprehensive customisation service you will have access to the latest industry knowledge, skill and technology, ensuring you receive the ultimate end product!

So, what should you ask your prospective customisation team? What are the Qs to lead to specified creations like you never thought possible?

Let’s take a look below:

  • What technology do you have at your disposal

The best custom metal fabrication Melbourne has will have access to some of the best technology in the business. We aren’t just talking about the latest cutting equipment; we’re talking about everything from CAD engineering services, CNC lathe turning, heavy steel fabrication, orbital pipe welding and much, much more.

This industry has come a long way in recent years, ensuring any company that is serious about their service should have stepped their operation up a notch or two. So, be sure that your company is one that will have your business needs covered now and when you need to scale up and receive brand new pieces.

  • How long have you been in the industry?

In this industry, experience is everything. You can have a solid working knowledge of the processes involved in producing new pieces, but if you haven’t worked that long in the industry then it is incredibly likely you won’t have the skills to produce everything a company needs to continue their own processes.

Therefore, be sure to inquire about the experience levels your prospective provider has – they should have been offering this service for some time now!

  • Can we see some references?

Your prospective metal fabricators should have a raft of clients that will be more than happy to attest to their skills and precision when it comes to making specific parts. Therefore, you should be able to ask the prospective team if you can get the deets of one or two of their clients just to see that they are a team who works on their client’s behalf and wants to provide them with the very best service imaginable!

  • Do you have an idea of the price?

Before hosting a proper consultation and providing a comprehensive quote, they should at least be able to provide you with a rough guide to how much the service will cost overall. Because, after all, if they have the industry experience then they should have a pretty good idea how much their service costs.

So, don’t be afraid to ask for an idea of the price – it’s an important place to start proceedings!

  • When can you get started?

Because you don’t want your company to be sitting around for months on end waiting for your brand new parts, do you?! And, more so, your provider should be keenly aware of this, making them happy to get to work on producing your incredible new parts soon after you put pen to paper.

Their skills and passion for the craft should transfer into an incredible efficiency that makes them a dream to work with now and in the future – the right team will be ready to get going soon after your request is complete.

Be sure to ask these questions to find the perfect team for your fabrication needs – they’ll help you find the best team in the business!

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