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UK IT Chiefs Believe GDPR Has Reduced Customer Trust After 5 Years, Warn of AI’s Impact on Relevance

Five years after the implementation of the GDPR, a new survey reveals that 66% of UK IT leaders believe the regulation has made customers less willing to trust businesses with their personal information. The survey, conducted by Macro 4, also highlights concerns about the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the GDPR’s relevance and the challenges faced by organizations in ensuring compliance.

According to the survey, 44% of IT leaders feel that the additional red tape introduced by the GDPR has hindered digital transformation efforts for many enterprises. Furthermore, nearly one in five (18%) IT leaders express a lack of confidence in their organization’s full compliance with the regulation.

The shift to hybrid working has intensified the need for investment in GDPR compliance, with 72% of IT decision makers stating that they have allocated more resources to ensure compliance in light of increased access to personal information outside the workplace. Maintaining data security and protection while employees work remotely poses a significant challenge for organizations.

Looking ahead, 85% of survey participants believe it would be easier for UK businesses to adhere to the existing GDPR regulations rather than adopting the proposed Data Protection and Digital Information Bill (DPDIB). However, 86% of IT leaders also stress that the GDPR must evolve to keep pace with new AI technologies like ChatGPT, or risk becoming irrelevant.

The survey’s findings highlight several key points. Firstly, the GDPR has made consumers more cautious about how their personal information is managed, potentially diminishing trust in businesses. Secondly, hybrid working has necessitated additional resources to ensure GDPR compliance and protect personal data. Thirdly, there are concerns about the potential complexities and dual compliance standards if the UK adopts separate post-Brexit regulations. Lastly, the GDPR must be updated to address the challenges posed by AI and prevent unintentional breaches of personal information.

Jim Allum, Director of Commercial and Technical at Macro 4, emphasizes the need for organizations to work diligently to demonstrate compliance with data regulations. He also underscores the importance of streamlining processes and systems to ensure the secure sharing and management of personal information, particularly in the context of hybrid working.

The survey was commissioned by Macro 4 to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the GDPR’s implementation on May 25th, 2023. It involved 100 IT decision makers, providing valuable insights into the perceptions and challenges surrounding GDPR compliance in the UK.

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