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Stepping Up: How Tieks Supports Women’s Causes on International Women’s Day and Beyond

In the fashion world, few brands resonate with the spirit of women’s empowerment as authentically as Tieks by Gavrieli does. Known for its stylish and comfortable ballet flats, Tieks has woven philanthropy into its fabric, making it a beacon for women’s empowerment, community support, and social impact. While International Women’s Day is celebrated on March 8 this year, Tieks supports the cause 365 days a year.

Central to Tieks’ ethos is its vibrant community. Tieks Anonymous is a tight-knit Facebook group that boasts over 40,000 members. As the community has grown, it’s expanded beyond discussions about the latest limited-edition prints and colors to become a source of moral support, friendship, and solidarity among women. Here, members share life’s highs and lows—from personal battles with cancer to navigating life changes, creating a tapestry of support and compassion that embodies the strength and resilience of women.

The vibrant sense of community within the Tieks Anonymous Facebook group reflects the brand’s broader values of social impact. According to CEO KfirGavrieli, “Tieks has always sought to engage its community, and we have seen this community come together over the last several years to support important causes — both personal to individuals in the group as well as the broader community and society.”

From Masks to Meals: Tieks Making an Impact

Tieks’ commitment to empowering women globally is evident in its philanthropic endeavors. Through partnerships with organizations like Kiva, Tieks has contributed over $10 million to women entrepreneurs, fostering financial independence and community growth. This initiative, especially significant around International Women’s Day, highlights Tieks’ role in enabling women to pursue their dreams and achieve economic empowerment.

During the challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic, Tieks mobilized its community for Operation #SewTogether, an initiative that saw the production of over 1 million masks for front-line workers. This effort not only showcased the brand’s dedication to societal well-being, but also reinforced the power of community engagement in making tangible impacts.

Furthermore, Tieks’ response to global crises, such as the conflict in Ukraine, demonstrates its commitment to humanitarian aid. By auctioning limited-edition ballet flats for upwards of $6,500, Tieks was able to donate nearly $90,000 to support Ukrainian refugees, proving that fashion can serve as a powerful vehicle for change.

Walking Together in Empowerment

Tieks by Gavrieli isn’t just about crafting the perfect ballet flat; it’s about creating a movement that uplifts and supports women across the globe. The brand prides itself on not only driving sales through social media, but in building a real online community where women can find not just shoes but also compassion, friendship, and support.

As we celebrate International Women’s Day, Tieks stands out as a brand that champions luxury and comfort while embodying a more profound commitment to women’s empowerment and community support. Through its philanthropic campaigns and the nurturing environment of Tieks Anonymous, Tieks by Gavrieliis making strides toward a world where every woman can walk confidently toward her dreams, supported by a community that believes in doing good, one step at a time.

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