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ballot papers

Texas already cast 9 million ballots, making a new turnout record

Texas already made a record by casting 9 million records in an early election which end on Friday. As in the United States of America, the election is going to start.

Everyone has the eyes on Texas these days. As in Texas, the rate of casting votes is always greater.

According to reporters, Texas has cast around 9 million ballots and make a new record as it has the highest turnover rate.

According to a report of Texas Secretary of States officer, the early vote casting period, around 9,009,850 people cast their vote by mail, by drop boxes and by ballots.

The early election which started from 13 October and ended in Friday, Texas has the highest turnover rate.

It is reported that during early voting, 53.14 per cent turnout is seen among the registered voters of Texas.

In the previous election which was held four years back, Donald Trump beat the Hillary Clinton by 9 points which is almost 43.24 per cent.

According to the report by state, it is recorded that around 8969226 people voted in Texas in the previous election held four years ago.

Kamala Harris praises the highest turnout in Texas in early voting. She said that everyone should make use of their vote, by electing the excellent leader for the prosperity of the country.

In Harris County, the turnout for the voting is enormous. Harris County includes most of the city of Houston.

On Friday morning, the total number of votes in Harris County is 1.3 million. Here Clinton beat the Donald Trump. She won by 161,956 votes.

Dallas County is in the second number on bases of turnout rate for voting. On Friday morning, the number of total votes was consists of 744,799 ballots.

In 2016 elections, Dallas County voted to Clinton. Here Donald Trump was beaten by Clinton.

According to the latest reports, Democrats want that the voters cast their votes in early elections. They are trying to push their voter to cast their ballots in a first election.

According to recent state polls, it is shown that Donald Trump has a narrow advantage over the Democratic nominee Joe Biden. In Texas, Donald Trump is in the lead with 48 per cent to 45.7 per cent.

A tighter race is shown by FiveThirtyEight’s polls, about 48.1 to 46.9 per cent average the Donald Trump is in the lead from Biden.

In San Antonio, O Rourke said to the group of people about the election that Texas will decide the result of the 2020 election as Texas has the highest turnover rate.

In Texas, the presidential election is not won by Democrats since 1976. Democrats have now increased their value and confidence.

Georgia and North Caroline, these two states have reduced the chance of Donald Trump winning elections over there.

The former congressman and contender, Beto O Rourke who give the tough time to Republican Sen. Ted Cruz in 2018 have called repeatedly to make a more significant play for the state.

Everyone has the eye on Texas, as they will decide the next president for the United States of America .Democrats never won the presidential contest since 1976.

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