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In US, 1 to 2 million tons of plastic trash go wasted according to study

On Friday, 30 October 2020, the study which is released should that millions of tons of plastic trash and debris go astray, and they are not used where they should be used.

On roadways and on oceans, plastic bags and debris are present which greatly pollute the environment. According to reports 1300 plastics bags and debris per person are landing in the oceans and on the roadways.

According to the latest study of United State plastic trash, plastic trash and debris in America are not disposing properly. Trash just goes astray.

Around 46.3 million tons of plastic trash and waste which is equal to 42 million metric tons are generated in the United State. According to the report around 2.7 percent to 5.3 percent of plastic waste were not managed properly.

Plastic waste and trash were not disposing properly. They are not burned or they are not placed in the landfills. On Fridays journal Science Advance reports showed that the plastic waste was not dispose properly and they were mismanaged causing pollution.

Study says that the plastic trash and waste generated in the United State were between 1.2 million and 2.5 million. Study says that the plastic trash was simply dropped on oceans, lakes, land and rivers.

An environmental engineering professor at the University of Georgia, Jambeck said that if the mismanaged 2.5 million plastic trash and debris is dumped on the White House Lawn. It will look like as high like an Building of Empire State.

Plastic trash and waste consists of wrappers, grocery bags and bottles .dumping the waste of plastic on the ocean.

However the previous studies says that United State of America is still not consider as the 10 worst offending nation for dumping plastic trash on the oceans.

Environmental Protection Agency of United State of America does not make any report on the disposal of plastic trash, that’s why U.S is still not include in the worst offending nation in regard to recycling of plastic trash.

According to the reports of some researchers, studies showed that United State trash recycling and management is not done properly. And United State of America is now considered as third worst country in regard to the plastic polluted.

According to reports, round 560000 to 1.6 million tons of plastic trash and debris that went into ocean in the United State of America.

Kara Lavender Law, an oceanography professor said that the studies reveal that plastic trash is one of the leading causes of pollution, and we face global crises because of mismanaging plastic mismanagement.

Studies show that United State of America is polluting the environment by mismanaging the plastic trash. They are not properly disposing and recycle.

Chelsea Ranchman, a professor in the University of Toronto said that we waste a large number of plastic waste and very little of plastics are recycled.

He said that the waste are throw into blue bin which are then put into ships, which sail all around the world, so that somebody may pick them up and used them for making toys for children.

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