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Maria Antonia Munar Faces Life In Semi-Freedom After Serving Seven Years In Prison

The former president of Unió Mallorquina obtains the third degree after paying almost one million euros in civil liabilities and serving half of the sentence

The former president of the regionalist Unió Mallorquina party Maria Antònia Munar has obtained the third prison degree after serving seven years in prison half of the years of her sentence pending and paying 533591 euros of civil liability last September

to the Island Council of Mallorca that he presided over for years The former leader of the missing hinge party that decided the Balearic governments for years has been locked up in Palma prison since July 2013 when she entered to serve her first final sentence of five and a half years

In July 2018 he got his first prison permit and from now on he will only have to go to jail to sleep

The second section of the Provincial Court of Palma considers the appeal filed by Munars defense against the opinion of the Board of Penitentiary Treatment that denied progress to the third degree

The judges highlight that Munar has served half of the sentence has paid 19 of the total civil liabilities to which she was sentenced and is awaiting the execution of the rest of the assets that she has seized

There are objective circumstances that allow a positive assessment to progress grade Taking into account his age and that he does not hold any type of public office it is difficult for there to be a criminal repetition they say in a car

The defense of the former president of the Parliament of the islands alleges that it is her first time in prison she has family support lacks penalties does not consume drugs or has had problems with alcohol and is paying the payment of civil responsibilities

He maintains a participatory trajectory in the center attending courses and activities She presents stability and personal maturity a responsible behavior and a favorable motivation for personal development the judges also highlight who are inclined to grant the expolitician the regime of semifreedom

Munar was sentenced to sentences totaling 14 years in prison for several corruption cases that led to the disappearance of her political party

In total he has to pay 51 million euros in civil liabilities of which he has paid 974091 euros about 19 She was jointly sentenced to pay along with other convicts 12263899 euros of which 8306354 euros have been paid

Maria Antònia Munar was the first woman to preside over the Parliament of the islands a position in which she remained until 2011 with the support of the left

For twelve years she was president of the Island Council of Mallorca and also Balearic Minister of Culture with the support of both left and right governments Since 1979 and for twenty years she was mayor of the municipality of Costitx

A lawyer by training Munar was sentenced to five and a half years for the irregular subsidy granted to an audiovisual group of her property in the socalled Video U case and later to six years for the rigged sale of a public plot in Palma for half of its real price in the Can Domenge case

In one of his last lawsuits he tearfully acknowledged having collected part of a four million euro bribe to award the Can Domenge site to a businessman I apologize

I am politically socially and economically dead she stated in court A popular jury found her guilty and she was sentenced to another two and a half years in prison

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