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What Does ‘End-To-End Encryption’ Mean In WhatsApp

The end-to-end encryption of WhatsApp came to the application in August 2016. Before this system was included, the security on the platform was poor and even in 2011 it was discovered that conversations could be leaked.

This change makes it easier to use.
His intention with end-to-end encryption was to change this problem. With this system, messages, photographs, videos and audios are encrypted when they are sent and are only decrypted when they reach the recipient’s device.

According to WhatsApp, through this system they offer security and privacy to their users and that everything they send is safe and does not fall ” into the wrong hands .”

But how do they make this possible?
To implement this encryption system, the company collaborated with Open Whisper Systems, a company known for working on products such as Redphone, Signal or TextSecure. According to those responsible for Open Whisper Systems, to create the WhatsApp system they were based on the one that TextSecure had at that time.

This end-to-end encryption was and continues to be possible thanks to keys that are stored on each user’s device . These keys are unique and, according to them, not even the WhatsApp staff can access the information encrypted under this system.

” WhatsApp has no way of listening to calls or seeing the content of messages that are encrypted from end to end – ensures the company – This is because the encryption and decryption of messages sent and received through WhatsApp occurs completely on your device ”.

End-to-end encryption distinguishes two types of messages
The notification will appear when the app opens.
WhatsApp returns to the load so that you accept its changes in privacy: this is what happens if you do not do it before November 6
Personal messages: they are those that are had in individual chats through WhatsApp. The system ensures that only the sender and receiver have access to said conversation.
Messages with companies: they are protected with the same protocol as those of personal messages, but it is delivered to a recipient chosen by the company, which can be more than one individual.
How to confirm that a chat is end-to-end encrypted?
To check if a chat has the system, you have to enter the ‘Cited’ section.To check if a chat has the system, you have to enter the ‘Cited’ section.20BITS
Open the chat you want to check for end-to-end encryption.
Click on the name of the contact to access the information screen.
Select the word ‘ Encryption’ .
Once this is done, a QR code or 60 digits will appear on the screen only in the case that the chat is end-to-end encrypted.

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