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New WhatsApp For Windows, With A More Modern Design

WhatsApp has launched the beta version of its application for Windows, with important new features in design and functionalities.

Although most use WhatsApp on mobile, we cannot forget that it has also become an important communication tool on the desktop. WhatsApp offers versions for web browsers, as well as a very similar Windows application.

Now, the next version of this app for Windows has been leaked in the Microsoft Store, as discovered by @ h0x0d on Twitter . This is more than just a small update, with big changes that make the app feel much more modern; however, at the moment it is only available in beta version, and its use is not recommended if we want stability.

The new app has a more modern design, which will look especially good with the new Windows 11; Although the basic structure of the app has not changed, it has a better appearance and changes in fonts, colors and size of the elements.

But the biggest differences are not noticeable with the naked eye. The new WhatsApp app has been developed natively for Windows , in UWP (universal Windows platform) format; instead, the current app is basically the WhatsApp web page, running on a browser. Therefore, the new app should be much more efficient, consume fewer resources, and have better integration with Windows.

The new app will also take advantage of the new WhatsApp multi-device support, which will allow us to use our account on various devices; just by associating the app with our WhatsApp account, we can use it without having the mobile on.

The new WhatsApp app for Windows is currently in beta ; and in our tests, it has been so unstable that we have not even been able to log in properly. Other users complain of poorer performance and various ‘bugs’. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it yet, and we should only install it if we are curious and can accept these problems.

In addition, WhatsApp is also developing a native app for Mac, which will allow us to use messaging on the new MacBooks with an M1 processor.

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