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What Anabel Pantoja Would Charge On Instagram

Anabel Pantoja , apart from Save me and her businesses, has become a true star on Instagram . A year ago it was published that she earned about 30,000 euros a month on Instagram, but, according to the analyst consulted by the program, it would have risen close to 10,000 euros in 2021, making her one of the influencers that earns the most.

With about a million and a half followers on her profile, Isabel Pantoja’s niece has gradually become a benchmark, and there are the numbers that back her up. Anabel would be charging between 3,500 and 4,500 euros per sponsored publication in her account , which would make her earn an average of 40,000 euros per month just thanks to her profile on Instagram.

Anabel gained a huge following during the pandemic due to her fun exercise videos . And the artist has been able to exploit it very well, beginning to collaborate with major brands to make a name for herself in the complicated world of influencers .

Right now, Anabel works with In Management, Dulceida’s representation agency that has some of the most famous influencers on the Spanish scene. And, although she does not currently participate in Sálvame, she has taken advantage of that springboard to continue growing and to be able to better move her personal projects, such as her own jewelry brand or her line of swimsuits .

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